== Repositories * link:http://ivyroundup.googlecode.com/[Ivy RoundUp] Ivy RoundUp is an online Ivy repository that can be used in combination with the standard link:history/latest-milestone/resolver/packager.html[Packager Resolver]. * link:http://java.net/projects/maven-repository/[Java.net Maven repository] Search Maven Ibiblio repository * link:https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/index.html[JBoss Maven Repository] A Maven repository hosted by JBoss * link:http://repository.codehaus.org/[Codehaus Maven Repository] A Maven repository hosted by Codehaus == IDE integration Here is a list of IDE plugins that brings the power of Apache Ivy to your favourite IDE. * link:http://ant.apache.org/ivy/ivyde/[Apache IvyDE™] Part of the Apache Ant project, it is a plugin for eclipse which helps writing Ivy files by bringing powerful code completion and wizards, and also let you add a classpath container keeping your eclipse project classpath in sync with the dependencies Ivy resolves. * link:http://code.google.com/p/ivy-nb-shared-libraries/[ivy-nb-shared-libraries] NetBeans™ module providing Apache Ivy integration in Java and Web projects by exposing Ivy confs as shared libraries. Each conf is resolved and created as a library. The libraries can then be added to the project classpaths. * link:http://code.google.com/p/ivybeans/[IvyBeans] A plugin for NetBeans which provides full Apache Ivy integration into the library management feature of the Netbeans IDE. * link:http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?id=3612[IvyIDEA] An Intellij IDEA™ plugin for resolving dependencies using Apache Ivy and adding them in IntelliJ. * link:http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?id=141[IvyDependencyImportor] Another plugin for Intellij IDEA, which let you import all the libs described in the ivy.xml to the current module library. * link:http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?id=2267[Ivy Plugin] Another plugin for Intellij IDEA, which reads IDEA module settings such as classpath and source directories from Ivy setup. * link:http://ivyvisual.codeplex.com/[IvyVisual] A plugin for Visual Studio™ to manage the inter dependencies of the solutions with Ivy. == Tools and plugins Here is a list of the Apache Ivy related tools and plugins we are aware of that can be found over the net. Feel free to post on the mailing list to ask for your tool to be added here. * link:http://code.google.com/p/ivy-tools/[ivy-tools] A collection of tools for managing and searching your Ivy repository. * link:http://www.jaya.free.fr/ivycruise.html[IvyCruise] This set of plugins for Cruise Control let you integrate Ivy with this famous continuous integration server. * link:http://code.google.com/p/ivysvn/[IvySvn] This is a Apache Subversion™ dependency resolver for Ivy 2.1.0. * link:http://ivytools.sourceforge.net/[ivytools.org] This sourceforge project aims to gather community contributed tools and plugins for Ivy. == Doc, tutorials, articles * link:http://olmex.blogspot.in/2012/04/ivy-beginners-guide.html[Beginners Guide] A step by step guide to assist beginners in understanding basic concepts/tasks and use them straight away in their projects either through Ant build or in Eclipse IDE. * link:presentations/apache-con-2007/[ApacheCon EU 2007 slides] slides and demo sources from Xavier's ApacheCon EU 2007 talk * link:http://chris-engn.blogspot.com/2005/07/naven-dotnet-continous-integration.html[Using Ivy in a dotnet project] Chris gives a good idea of how to use Ivy, Cruise Control and nant in a dotnet project environment * link:http://weblogs.java.net/blog/dcengija/archive/2006/04/configuring_ivy.html[Integrating Ivy and luntbuild] Davor Cengija on his blog explain how he integrates Ivy in luntbuild, an open source continuous integration server * link:http://www.jaya.free.fr/ivy/doc/articles/ease-multi-module.html[Easing multi module development] Johan stuyts, the author of SAnt, also contributed a nice article on his view of how to use Ivy on a multi module environment. == Others * link:http://ant.apache.org/[Apache Ant™] Apache Ant is the popular build tool with which ivy is integrated. * link:http://ant-contrib.sourceforge.net/[AntContrib] AntContrib is a project offering a set of useful tasks for ant.