[quote] ____ I'd strongly encourage every Java developer to pull [Ivy] down and consider using it to manage dependencies in their Ant builds. As far as I'm concerned, it's a complete no-brainer. link:http://blog.exis.com/colin/archives/2005/04/29/decision-to-use-ivy-is-a-no-brainer/[Read more] ____
Colin Sampaleanu, core developer of link:http://www.springframework.org/[Spring]
[quote] ____ Ivy's a great library... I've just gone through and implemented a multi-module build using Ivy for full transitive dependency management... link:http://www.theserverside.com/news/thread.tss?thread_id=33574[Read more] ____
Jason Careira, link:http://www.opensymphony.com/webwork/[webwork] and link:http://www.opensymphony.com/xwork/[xwork] project leader
[quote] ____ Currently, our application uses more than 40 3rdparty jars. [...] With Ivy, I now have a full accounting of what libraries our project relies on directly. [...] We now have clear understanding of our dependency tree. link:http://houseofhaug.net/blog/archives/2005/04/13/maven-uninstall/[Read more] ____
Scott Haug, core developer of link:http://www.jobster.com/[jobster.com]
[quote] ____ After spending 10 minutes seeing the demonstrations, Ivy passed the test. [...] In addition, the folks on the Ivy forums were absolutely amazing with support, even when I had problems with my basic configuration file that was completely my fault. link:http://jroller.com/page/webwork2live?anchor=maven_out_ant_ivy_in[Read more] ____
Matthew Porter, co-founder of Metissian and Contegix, author of link:http://sourcebeat.com/TitleAction.do;jsessionid=4B2266B92DCB32C9EE9B5FE1415568D6?id=6[WebWork Live] [quote] ____ the link:https://portal.dev.java.net[OpenPortal] project which has over 700k lines of code now uses Ivy. it was a life saver for us. ____
Jeffrey Blattman, OpenPortal committer
[quote] ____ Congrats on Ivy. It really is an excellent piece of coherent and consistent software. Pretty much everything works as I expected it to, and it supports pretty much everything I've needed. ____
link:http://bmi.osu.edu/people_detail.php?id=201[Scott Oster], lead architect of link:http://www.cagrid.org/[caGrid], co-Director of Software Research Institute of the link:http://bmi.osu.edu/[Department of Bio Medical Informatics] at the Ohio State University