Home Apache Board -- Project Services & Expectations

Apache Board -- Project Services & Expectations

Available Services & Expectations For Apache Projects

DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT This is a DRAFT document and not official policy, pending some sort of approval by the Board. DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT

Note in the future the URL should probably change to /board/policies. See the source code for this website.

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) provides a wide array of services to projects we host. The Board of Directors also asks specific officers to set a few required policies.

Services Provided To Apache Projects

The ASF provides the following services to PMCs:

Community Development

The Apache Community Development Project is charged with coordinating community development efforts.

Infrastructure services

The Apache Infrastructure team is responsible for management and day-to-day system administration and operation of various hardware.

Marketing & Publicity

Marketing and Publicity provides primary communications services for the ASF, and advises Apache projects and initiatives on their outreach efforts.

Travel assistance

The Travel Assistance Committee exists to help those that would like to attend ApacheCon events, but are unable to do so for financial reasons.

Conference & Event support

The Conferences team organizes official events such as ApacheCon, as well as facilitating third party events.

Security Handling

The Apache Security Team exists to provide help and advice to Apache projects on security issues and to provide co-ordination of the handling of security vulnerabilities.

Brand & Trademarks

The Brand Management team collaborates with projects on branding and trademarks.


The Legal Affairs Committee is responsible for establishing and managing legal policies based on the advice of legal counsel and the interests of the Foundation.

Apache Project Requirements

The ASF has the following requirements of Apache PMCs. Questions about any specific policy should be addressed to the appropriate officer and/or to the board.

Provide Community And Project Oversight (Board)

Operate Indepdendently And For The Public Good (Board)

Provide A Quarterly Report To The Board (Board)

Follow Software Release Policy (Legal Affairs, Infrastructure Team)

Follow Security Notification Procedure (Security Team)

Contributors And Licensing Policy (Legal Affairs)

Branding And Trademark Policy (Brand Management)

Infrastructure Policy (Infrastructure Team)

  • The primary source control repository MUST be administered by the Infrastructure Team on ASF maintained services. (citation needed) *

Press & Marketing Policy (Press Team)

Fundraising Policies (VP, Fundraising)

  • Projects MUST work with VP, Fundraising whenever accepting or using financial donations.

  • Projects MUST NOT use ASF donated funds to pay for primary development on any Apache project. (citation needed)

Incubator Podling Policies (Incubator PMC)

  • Incubator Podlings MUST uphold applicable policies set by the Incubator. Podlings SHOULD be complying with all Apache project requirements before graduation.

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