CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.2.5.


File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/demux/processor/mapper/JobLogHistoryProcessor.java 104
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/demux/processor/mapper/Log4jJobHistoryProcessor.java 104
        keys.put("JOBID", "job" + jobId.substring(idx1, idx2));
        // log.info("JobLogHistoryProcessor Add field: [JOBID]["
        // + keys.get("JOBID") + "]");

      // if (keys.get("RECORD_TYPE").equalsIgnoreCase("Job") &&
      // keys.containsKey("SUBMIT_TIME"))
      // {
      // // Job JOBID="job_200804210403_0005" JOBNAME="MY_JOB"
      // USER="userxxx"
      // // SUBMIT_TIME="1208760436751"
      // JOBCONF="/mapredsystem/xxx.yyy.com/job_200804210403_0005/job.xml"
      // }
      // else if (keys.get("RECORD_TYPE").equalsIgnoreCase("Job") &&
      // keys.containsKey("LAUNCH_TIME"))
      // {
      // // Job JOBID="job_200804210403_0005" LAUNCH_TIME="1208760437110"
      // TOTAL_MAPS="5912" TOTAL_REDUCES="739"
      // }
      // else if (keys.get("RECORD_TYPE").equalsIgnoreCase("Job") &&
      // keys.containsKey("FINISH_TIME"))
      // {
      // // Job JOBID="job_200804210403_0005" FINISH_TIME="1208760906816"
      // // COUNTERS="File Systems.Local bytes read:1735053407244,File
      // Systems.Local bytes written:2610106384012,File Systems.HDFS bytes
      // read:801605644910,File Systems.HDFS bytes written:44135800,
      // // Job Counters .Launched map tasks:5912,Job Counters .Launched
      // reduce tasks:739,Job Counters .Data-local map tasks:5573,Job
      // Counters .Rack-local map tasks:316,Map-Reduce Framework.
      // // Map input records:9410696067,Map-Reduce Framework.Map output
      // records:9410696067,Map-Reduce Framework.Map input
      // bytes:801599188816,Map-Reduce Framework.Map output
      // bytes:784427968116,
      // // Map-Reduce Framework.Combine input records:0,Map-Reduce
      // Framework.Combine output records:0,Map-Reduce Framework.Reduce
      // input groups:477265,Map-Reduce Framework.Reduce input
      // records:739000,
      // // Map-Reduce Framework.Reduce output records:739000"
      // }
      // else
      if (keys.get("RECORD_TYPE").equalsIgnoreCase("MapAttempt")
          && keys.containsKey("START_TIME")) {
        // MapAttempt TASK_TYPE="MAP"
        // TASKID="tip_200804210403_0005_m_000018"
        // TASK_ATTEMPT_ID="task_200804210403_0005_m_000018_0"
        // START_TIME="1208760437531"
        // HOSTNAME="tracker_xxx.yyy.com:xxx.yyy.com/xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:53734"

        key = new ChukwaRecordKey();
        key.setKey("JobLogHist/Map/" + keys.get("JOBID") + "/"
            + keys.get("START_TIME"));
        record = new ChukwaRecord();
        record.add("JOBID", keys.get("JOBID"));
        record.add("START_TIME", keys.get("START_TIME"));
        record.add(Record.tagsField, chunk.getTags());
        // log.info("JobLogHist/Map/S");
        output.collect(key, record);

      } else if (keys.get("RECORD_TYPE").equalsIgnoreCase("MapAttempt")
          && keys.containsKey("FINISH_TIME")) {
        // MapAttempt TASK_TYPE="MAP"
        // TASKID="tip_200804210403_0005_m_005494"
        // TASK_ATTEMPT_ID="task_200804210403_0005_m_005494_0"
        // FINISH_TIME="1208760624124"
        // HOSTNAME="tracker_xxxx.yyyy.com:xxx.yyy.com/xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:55491"

        key = new ChukwaRecordKey();
        key.setKey("JobLogHist/Map/" + keys.get("JOBID") + "/"
            + keys.get("FINISH_TIME"));
        record = new ChukwaRecord();
        record.add("JOBID", keys.get("JOBID"));
        record.add("FINISH_TIME", keys.get("FINISH_TIME"));
        record.add(Record.tagsField, chunk.getTags());
        // log.info("JobLogHist/Map/E");
        output.collect(key, record);

      else if (keys.get("RECORD_TYPE").equalsIgnoreCase("ReduceAttempt")
          && keys.containsKey("START_TIME")) {
        // ReduceAttempt TASK_TYPE="REDUCE"
        // TASKID="tip_200804210403_0005_r_000138"
        // TASK_ATTEMPT_ID="task_200804210403_0005_r_000138_0"
        // START_TIME="1208760454885"
        // HOSTNAME="tracker_xxxx.yyyy.com:xxx.yyy.com/xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:51947"

        key = new ChukwaRecordKey();
        key.setKey("JobLogHist/SHUFFLE/" + keys.get("JOBID") + "/"
            + keys.get("START_TIME"));
        record = new ChukwaRecord();
        record.add("JOBID", keys.get("JOBID"));
        record.add("START_TIME", keys.get("START_TIME"));
        record.add(Record.tagsField, chunk.getTags());
        // log.info("JobLogHist/SHUFFLE/S");
        output.collect(key, record);

      } else if (keys.get("RECORD_TYPE").equalsIgnoreCase("ReduceAttempt")
          && keys.containsKey("FINISH_TIME")) {
        // ReduceAttempt TASK_TYPE="REDUCE"
        // TASKID="tip_200804210403_0005_r_000138"
        // TASK_ATTEMPT_ID="task_200804210403_0005_r_000138_0"
        // TASK_STATUS="SUCCESS" SHUFFLE_FINISHED="1208760787167"
        // SORT_FINISHED="1208760787354" FINISH_TIME="1208760802395"
        // HOSTNAME="tracker__xxxx.yyyy.com:xxx.yyy.com/xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:51947"

        key = new ChukwaRecordKey();
        key.setKey("JobLogHist/SHUFFLE/" + keys.get("JOBID") + "/"
            + keys.get("SHUFFLE_FINISHED"));
        record = new ChukwaRecord();
        record.add("JOBID", keys.get("JOBID"));
        record.add("SHUFFLE_FINISHED", keys.get("SHUFFLE_FINISHED"));
        record.add(Record.tagsField, chunk.getTags());
        // log.info("JobLogHist/SHUFFLE/E");
        output.collect(key, record);

        // SORT
        key = new ChukwaRecordKey();
        key.setKey("JobLogHist/SORT/" + keys.get("JOBID") + "/"
            + keys.get("SHUFFLE_FINISHED"));
        record = new ChukwaRecord();
        record.add("JOBID", keys.get("JOBID"));
        record.add("START_TIME", keys.get("SHUFFLE_FINISHED"));
        record.add(Record.tagsField, chunk.getTags());
        // log.info("JobLogHist/SORT/S");
        output.collect(key, record);

        key = new ChukwaRecordKey();
        key.setKey("JobLogHist/SORT/" + keys.get("JOBID") + "/"
            + keys.get("SORT_FINISHED"));
        record = new ChukwaRecord();
        record.add("JOBID", keys.get("JOBID"));
        record.add("SORT_FINISHED", keys.get("SORT_FINISHED"));
        record.add(Record.tagsField, chunk.getTags());
        // log.info("JobLogHist/SORT/E");
        output.collect(key, record);

        // Reduce
        key = new ChukwaRecordKey();
        key.setKey("JobLogHist/REDUCE/" + keys.get("JOBID") + "/"
            + keys.get("SORT_FINISHED"));
        record = new ChukwaRecord();
        record.add("JOBID", keys.get("JOBID"));
        record.add("START_TIME", keys.get("SORT_FINISHED"));
        record.add(Record.tagsField, chunk.getTags());
        // log.info("JobLogHist/REDUCE/S");
        output.collect(key, record);

        key = new ChukwaRecordKey();
        key.setKey("JobLogHist/REDUCE/" + keys.get("JOBID") + "/"
            + keys.get("FINISH_TIME"));
        record = new ChukwaRecord();
        record.add("JOBID", keys.get("JOBID"));
        record.add("FINISH_TIME", keys.get("SORT_FINISHED"));
        record.add(Record.tagsField, chunk.getTags());
        // log.info("JobLogHist/REDUCE/E");
        output.collect(key, record);

      } else if (keys.get("RECORD_TYPE").equalsIgnoreCase("Job")
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/hicc/OfflineTimeHandler.java 112
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/hicc/TimeHandler.java 174

    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
    SimpleDateFormat formatDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    SimpleDateFormat formatHour = new SimpleDateFormat("HH");
    SimpleDateFormat formatMin = new SimpleDateFormat("mm");


    startS = formatter.format(start);
    this.startDate = formatDate.format(start);
    this.startHour = formatHour.format(start);
    this.startMin = formatMin.format(start);
    endS = formatter.format(end);
    this.endDate = formatDate.format(end);
    this.endHour = formatHour.format(end);
    this.endMin = formatMin.format(end);

  public String getStartDate(String format) {
    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
    return formatter.format(this.start);

  public String getStartDate() {
    return this.startDate;

  public String getStartHour() {
    return this.startHour;

  public String getStartMinute() {
    return this.startMin;

  public String getStartTimeText() {
    return this.startS;

  public long getStartTime() {
    return start;

  public String getEndDate(String format) {
    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
    return formatter.format(this.end);

  public String getEndDate() {
    return this.endDate;

  public String getEndHour() {
    return this.endHour;

  public String getEndMinute() {
    return this.endMin;

  public String getEndTimeText() {
    return this.endS;

  public long getEndTime() {
    return end;

File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/datacollection/agent/MemLimitQueue.java 69
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/datacollection/agent/NonBlockingMemLimitQueue.java 72
      dataSize += chunk.getData().length;

   * @see org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.datacollection.ChunkQueue#collect(java.util.List,
   *      int)
  public void collect(List<Chunk> events, int maxSize)
      throws InterruptedException {
    synchronized (this) {
      // we can't just say queue.take() here, since we're holding a lock.
      while (queue.isEmpty()) {

      int size = 0;
      while (!queue.isEmpty() && (size < maxSize)) {
        Chunk e = this.queue.remove();
        int chunkSize = e.getData().length;
        size += chunkSize;
        dataSize -= chunkSize;

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug("WaitingQueue.inQueueCount:" + queue.size()
          + "\tWaitingQueue.collectCount:" + events.size());

  public int size() {
    return queue.size();

  private void configure(Configuration conf) {
    if(conf == null){
    String limit = conf.get(CHUNK_QUEUE_LIMIT);
    if(limit != null){
        MAX_MEM_USAGE = Integer.parseInt(limit);
      } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
        log.error("Exception reading property " + CHUNK_QUEUE_LIMIT
            + ". Defaulting internal queue size to " + QUEUE_SIZE);
    log.info("Using NonBlockingMemLimitQueue limit of " + MAX_MEM_USAGE);
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/ChukwaArchiveKey.java 311
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/engine/ChukwaRecordKey.java 232
          int i1 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.readVInt(b1, s1);
          int i2 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.readVInt(b2, s2);
          int z1 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.getVIntSize(i1);
          int z2 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.getVIntSize(i2);
          s1 += z1;
          s2 += z2;
          l1 -= z1;
          l2 -= z2;
          int r1 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.compareBytes(b1, s1, i1, b2,
              s2, i2);
          if (r1 != 0) {
            return (r1 < 0) ? -1 : 0;
          s1 += i1;
          s2 += i2;
          l1 -= i1;
          l1 -= i2;
          int i1 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.readVInt(b1, s1);
          int i2 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.readVInt(b2, s2);
          int z1 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.getVIntSize(i1);
          int z2 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.getVIntSize(i2);
          s1 += z1;
          s2 += z2;
          l1 -= z1;
          l2 -= z2;
          int r1 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.compareBytes(b1, s1, i1, b2,
              s2, i2);
          if (r1 != 0) {
            return (r1 < 0) ? -1 : 0;
          s1 += i1;
          s2 += i2;
          l1 -= i1;
          l1 -= i2;
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/ChukwaArchiveKey.java 53
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/engine/ChukwaRecordJT.java 49

  public static org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.RecordTypeInfo getTypeInfo() {
    return _rio_recTypeInfo;

  public static void setTypeFilter(
      org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.RecordTypeInfo rti) {
    if (null == rti)
    _rio_rtiFilter = rti;
    _rio_rtiFilterFields = null;

  private static void setupRtiFields() {
    if (null == _rio_rtiFilter)
    // we may already have done this
    if (null != _rio_rtiFilterFields)
    int _rio_i, _rio_j;
    _rio_rtiFilterFields = new int[_rio_rtiFilter.getFieldTypeInfos().size()];
    for (_rio_i = 0; _rio_i < _rio_rtiFilterFields.length; _rio_i++) {
      _rio_rtiFilterFields[_rio_i] = 0;
    java.util.Iterator<org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.FieldTypeInfo> _rio_itFilter = _rio_rtiFilter
    _rio_i = 0;
    while (_rio_itFilter.hasNext()) {
      org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.FieldTypeInfo _rio_tInfoFilter = _rio_itFilter
      java.util.Iterator<org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.FieldTypeInfo> _rio_it = _rio_recTypeInfo
      _rio_j = 1;
      while (_rio_it.hasNext()) {
        org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.FieldTypeInfo _rio_tInfo = _rio_it.next();
        if (_rio_tInfo.equals(_rio_tInfoFilter)) {
          _rio_rtiFilterFields[_rio_i] = _rio_j;

  public long getTime() {
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/ChukwaArchiveKey.java 53
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/engine/ChukwaRecordKey.java 44

  public static org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.RecordTypeInfo getTypeInfo() {
    return _rio_recTypeInfo;

  public static void setTypeFilter(
      org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.RecordTypeInfo rti) {
    if (null == rti)
    _rio_rtiFilter = rti;
    _rio_rtiFilterFields = null;

  private static void setupRtiFields() {
    if (null == _rio_rtiFilter)
    // we may already have done this
    if (null != _rio_rtiFilterFields)
    int _rio_i, _rio_j;
    _rio_rtiFilterFields = new int[_rio_rtiFilter.getFieldTypeInfos().size()];
    for (_rio_i = 0; _rio_i < _rio_rtiFilterFields.length; _rio_i++) {
      _rio_rtiFilterFields[_rio_i] = 0;
    java.util.Iterator<org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.FieldTypeInfo> _rio_itFilter = _rio_rtiFilter
    _rio_i = 0;
    while (_rio_itFilter.hasNext()) {
      org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.FieldTypeInfo _rio_tInfoFilter = _rio_itFilter
      java.util.Iterator<org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.FieldTypeInfo> _rio_it = _rio_recTypeInfo
      _rio_j = 1;
      while (_rio_it.hasNext()) {
        org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.FieldTypeInfo _rio_tInfo = _rio_it.next();
        if (_rio_tInfo.equals(_rio_tInfoFilter)) {
          _rio_rtiFilterFields[_rio_i] = _rio_j;

  public String getReduceType() {
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/hicc/OfflineTimeHandler.java 92
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/hicc/TimeHandler.java 102
	Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
	this.start = now.getTimeInMillis();
	this.end = now.getTimeInMillis();
	if (period.equals("last1hr")) {
	    start = end - (60 * 60 * 1000);
	} else if (period.equals("last2hr")) {
	    start = end - (2 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
	} else if (period.equals("last3hr")) {
	    start = end - (3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
	} else if (period.equals("last6hr")) {
	    start = end - (6 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
	} else if (period.equals("last12hr")) {
	    start = end - (12 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
	} else if (period.equals("last24hr")) {
	    start = end - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
	} else if (period.equals("last7d")) {
	    start = end - (7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
	} else if (period.equals("last30d")) {
	    start = end - (30L * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
	} else if (period.startsWith("custom;")) {
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/hicc/OfflineTimeHandler.java 62
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/hicc/OfflineTimeHandler.java 91
        && map.get("period") != null) {
      String period = map.get("period");
      this.start = now.getTimeInMillis();
      this.end = now.getTimeInMillis();
      if (period.equals("last1hr")) {
        start = end - (60 * 60 * 1000);
      } else if (period.equals("last2hr")) {
        start = end - (2 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
      } else if (period.equals("last3hr")) {
        start = end - (3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
      } else if (period.equals("last6hr")) {
        start = end - (6 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
      } else if (period.equals("last12hr")) {
        start = end - (12 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
      } else if (period.equals("last24hr")) {
        start = end - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
      } else if (period.equals("last7d")) {
        start = end - (7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
      } else if (period.equals("last30d")) {
        start = end - (30L * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/hicc/OfflineTimeHandler.java 63
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/hicc/TimeHandler.java 102
	Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
	this.start = now.getTimeInMillis();
	this.end = now.getTimeInMillis();
	if (period.equals("last1hr")) {
	    start = end - (60 * 60 * 1000);
	} else if (period.equals("last2hr")) {
	    start = end - (2 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
	} else if (period.equals("last3hr")) {
	    start = end - (3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
	} else if (period.equals("last6hr")) {
	    start = end - (6 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
	} else if (period.equals("last12hr")) {
	    start = end - (12 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
	} else if (period.equals("last24hr")) {
	    start = end - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
	} else if (period.equals("last7d")) {
	    start = end - (7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
	} else if (period.equals("last30d")) {
	    start = end - (30L * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/ChukwaArchiveKey.java 287
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/engine/ChukwaRecordJT.java 294
        return (os - s);
      } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

    static public int compareRaw(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2,
        int l2) {
      try {
        int os1 = s1;
          long i1 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.readVLong(b1, s1);
          long i2 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.readVLong(b2, s2);
          if (i1 != i2) {
            return ((i1 - i2) < 0) ? -1 : 0;
          int z1 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.getVIntSize(i1);
          int z2 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.getVIntSize(i2);
          s1 += z1;
          s2 += z2;
          l1 -= z1;
          l2 -= z2;
          int mi11 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.readVInt(b1, s1);
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/visualization/Heatmap.java 665
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/visualization/Heatmap.java 705
    } else if (this.query_stat_type.equals("total_volume")) {
      for(int i=0;i<events.size();i++) {
        HashMap<String, Object> event = events.get(i);
        start_millis = Integer.parseInt(((String)event.get("start_time_millis")));
        end_millis = Integer.parseInt(((String)event.get("finish_time_millis")));      
        String this_host = (String) event.get("hostname");
        String other_host = (String) event.get("other_host");
        int this_host_idx = host_indices.get(this_host).intValue();
        int other_host_idx = host_indices.get(other_host).intValue();

        long curr_val = Long.parseLong((String)event.get("bytes"));

        // to, from
        stats[other_host_idx][this_host_idx] += curr_val;
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/fsm/DataNodeClientTraceMapper.java 198
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/fsm/TaskTrackerClientTraceMapper.java 184
		end_rec.add_info.put("STATE_STRING",new String("SUCCESS")); // by default
		// add counter value
    String crk_mid_string_start = new String(start_rec.getUniqueID() + "_" + start_rec.timestamp);
    String crk_mid_string_end = new String(end_rec.getUniqueID() + "_" + start_rec.timestamp);
    output.collect(new ChukwaRecordKey(FSM_CRK_ReduceType, crk_mid_string_start), start_rec);
    output.collect(new ChukwaRecordKey(FSM_CRK_ReduceType, crk_mid_string_end), end_rec);

} // end of mapper class
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/visualization/Swimlanes.java 102
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/visualization/Swimlanes.java 126
      while (rownumiter.hasNext()) {
        origrownum = ((Integer)rownumiter.next()).intValue();
        newrownum = this.plot_tab.addRow();
        this.plot_tab.set(newrownum, "state_name", orig_tab.getString(origrownum, "state_name"));
        this.plot_tab.set(newrownum, "ycoord", orig_tab.getInt(origrownum, "seqno"));
        this.plot_tab.set(newrownum,START_FIELD_NAME, orig_tab.getDouble(origrownum,START_FIELD_NAME));
        this.plot_tab.set(newrownum,END_FIELD_NAME, orig_tab.getDouble(origrownum,END_FIELD_NAME));
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/ChukwaArchiveKey.java 311
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/engine/ChukwaRecordJT.java 328
              int i1 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.readVInt(b1, s1);
              int i2 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.readVInt(b2, s2);
              int z1 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.getVIntSize(i1);
              int z2 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.getVIntSize(i2);
              s1 += z1;
              s2 += z2;
              l1 -= z1;
              l2 -= z2;
              int r1 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.compareBytes(b1, s1, i1,
                  b2, s2, i2);
              if (r1 != 0) {
                return (r1 < 0) ? -1 : 0;
              s1 += i1;
              s2 += i2;
              l1 -= i1;
              l1 -= i2;
              int i = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.readVInt(b1, s1);
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/visualization/Heatmap.java 642
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/visualization/Heatmap.java 665
    } else if (this.query_stat_type.equals("avg_volume")) {
      for(int i=0;i<events.size();i++) {
        HashMap<String, Object> event = events.get(i);
        start_millis = Integer.parseInt(((String)event.get("start_time_millis")));
        end_millis = Integer.parseInt(((String)event.get("finish_time_millis")));      
        String this_host = (String) event.get("hostname");
        String other_host = (String) event.get("other_host");
        int this_host_idx = host_indices.get(this_host).intValue();
        int other_host_idx = host_indices.get(other_host).intValue();

        long curr_val = Long.parseLong((String)event.get("bytes"));
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/engine/ChukwaRecordKey.java 232
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/engine/ChukwaRecordKey.java 251
          int i1 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.readVInt(b1, s1);
          int i2 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.readVInt(b2, s2);
          int z1 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.getVIntSize(i1);
          int z2 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.getVIntSize(i2);
          s1 += z1;
          s2 += z2;
          l1 -= z1;
          l2 -= z2;
          int r1 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.compareBytes(b1, s1, i1, b2,
              s2, i2);
          if (r1 != 0) {
            return (r1 < 0) ? -1 : 0;
          s1 += i1;
          s2 += i2;
          l1 -= i1;
          l1 -= i2;
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/visualization/Heatmap.java 627
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/visualization/Heatmap.java 642
    } else if (this.query_stat_type.equals("total_duration")) {
      for(int i=0;i<events.size();i++) {
        HashMap<String, Object> event = events.get(i);
        start_millis = Integer.parseInt(((String)event.get("start_time_millis")));
        end_millis = Integer.parseInt(((String)event.get("finish_time_millis")));      
        String this_host = (String) event.get("hostname");
        String other_host = (String) event.get("other_host");
        int this_host_idx = host_indices.get(this_host).intValue();
        int other_host_idx = host_indices.get(other_host).intValue();
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/visualization/Swimlanes.java 125
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/visualization/Swimlanes.java 178
        (Predicate) ExpressionParser.parse("[state_name] == 'map' OR [state_name] == 'reduce'")
      while (rownumiter.hasNext()) {
        origrownum = ((Integer)rownumiter.next()).intValue();
        newrownum = this.plot_tab.addRow();
        this.plot_tab.set(newrownum, "state_name", orig_tab.getString(origrownum, "state_name"));
        this.plot_tab.set(newrownum, "ycoord", orig_tab.getInt(origrownum, "seqno"));
        this.plot_tab.set(newrownum,START_FIELD_NAME, orig_tab.getDouble(origrownum,START_FIELD_NAME));
        this.plot_tab.set(newrownum,START_FIELD_NAME, orig_tab.getDouble(origrownum,END_FIELD_NAME));
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/fsm/DataNodeClientTraceMapper.java 150
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/fsm/TaskTrackerClientTraceMapper.java 151
    start_rec.time_orig_epoch = k[0];
    start_rec.time_orig = (new Long(actual_time_ms)).toString(); // not actually used
    start_rec.timestamp = (new Long(actual_time_ms)).toString();
    start_rec.time_end = new String("");
    start_rec.time_start = new String(start_rec.timestamp);
    end_rec.time_orig_epoch = k[0];
    end_rec.time_orig = val.getValue("actual_time");    
    end_rec.timestamp = new String(val.getValue("actual_time"));
    end_rec.time_end = new String(val.getValue("actual_time"));
    end_rec.time_start = new String("");

    log.debug("Duration: " + (Long.parseLong(end_rec.time_end) - Long.parseLong(start_rec.time_start)));
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/demux/processor/mapper/HBaseMasterProcessor.java 67
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/demux/processor/mapper/JobTrackerProcessor.java 114
				log.warn("timeStamp tag not set in JMX adaptor for jobtracker");
				timeStamp = Long.parseLong(ttTag);
			Iterator<JSONObject> iter = obj.entrySet().iterator();
				Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)iter.next();
				String key = (String) entry.getKey();
				Object value = entry.getValue();
				String valueString = value == null?"":value.toString();	
				//Calculate rate for some of the metrics
					long oldValue = rateMap.get(key);
					long curValue = Long.parseLong(valueString);
					rateMap.put(key, curValue);
					long newValue = curValue - oldValue;
					if(newValue < 0){
						log.warn("JobTrackerProcessor's rateMap might be reset or corrupted for metric "+key);						
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/visualization/Swimlanes.java 102
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/visualization/Swimlanes.java 179
      while (rownumiter.hasNext()) {
        origrownum = ((Integer)rownumiter.next()).intValue();
        newrownum = this.plot_tab.addRow();
        this.plot_tab.set(newrownum, "state_name", orig_tab.getString(origrownum, "state_name"));
        this.plot_tab.set(newrownum, "ycoord", orig_tab.getInt(origrownum, "seqno"));
        this.plot_tab.set(newrownum,START_FIELD_NAME, orig_tab.getDouble(origrownum,START_FIELD_NAME));
        this.plot_tab.set(newrownum,START_FIELD_NAME, orig_tab.getDouble(origrownum,END_FIELD_NAME));
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/demux/processor/mapper/JobLogHistoryProcessor.java 337
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/demux/processor/mapper/Log4jJobHistoryProcessor.java 316
          record.add("HodId", keys.get("HODID"));

        // log.info("MRJobCounters +1");
        output.collect(key, record);

      if (keys.containsKey("TASK_TYPE")
          && keys.containsKey("COUNTERS")
          && (keys.get("TASK_TYPE").equalsIgnoreCase("REDUCE") || keys.get(
              "TASK_TYPE").equalsIgnoreCase("MAP"))) {
        // MAP
        // Task TASKID="tip_200804210403_0005_m_000154" TASK_TYPE="MAP"
        // TASK_STATUS="SUCCESS" FINISH_TIME="1208760463883"
        // COUNTERS="File Systems.Local bytes read:159265655,File
        // Systems.Local bytes written:318531310,
        // File Systems.HDFS bytes read:145882417,Map-Reduce
        // Framework.Map input records:1706604,
        // Map-Reduce Framework.Map output records:1706604,Map-Reduce
        // Framework.Map input bytes:145882057,
        // Map-Reduce Framework.Map output bytes:142763253,Map-Reduce
        // Framework.Combine input records:0,Map-Reduce
        // Framework.Combine output records:0"

        // REDUCE
        // Task TASKID="tip_200804210403_0005_r_000524"
        // FINISH_TIME="1208760877072"
        // COUNTERS="File Systems.Local bytes read:1179319677,File
        // Systems.Local bytes written:1184474889,File Systems.HDFS
        // bytes written:59021,
        // Map-Reduce Framework.Reduce input groups:684,Map-Reduce
        // Framework.Reduce input records:1000,Map-Reduce
        // Framework.Reduce output records:1000"

        record = new ChukwaRecord();
        key = new ChukwaRecordKey();
        buildGenericRecord(record, null, Long
            .parseLong(keys.get("FINISH_TIME")), "SizeVsFinishTime");
        extractCounters(record, keys.get("COUNTERS"));
        record.add("JOBID", keys.get("JOBID"));
        record.add("TASKID", keys.get("TASKID"));
        record.add("TASK_TYPE", keys.get("TASK_TYPE"));
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/demux/processor/mapper/DatanodeProcessor.java 118
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/demux/processor/mapper/HBaseMasterProcessor.java 67
				log.warn("timeStamp tag not set in JMX adaptor for hbase master");
				timeStamp = Long.parseLong(ttTag);
			Iterator<JSONObject> iter = obj.entrySet().iterator();
				Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)iter.next();
				String key = (String) entry.getKey();
				Object value = entry.getValue();
				String valueString = value == null?"":value.toString();	
				//Calculate rate for some of the metrics
					long oldValue = rateMap.get(key);
					long curValue = Long.parseLong(valueString);
					rateMap.put(key, curValue);
					long newValue = curValue - oldValue;
					if(newValue < 0){
						log.warn("HBaseMaster rateMap might be reset or corrupted for metric "+key);						
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/hicc/rest/MetricsController.java 151
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/hicc/rest/MetricsController.java 182
  public String getRowNames(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @PathParam("table") String tableName, @PathParam("family") String family, @PathParam("column") String column, @QueryParam("start") String start, @QueryParam("end") String end, @QueryParam("fullScan") @DefaultValue("false") boolean fullScan) {
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
    long startTime = 0;
    long endTime = 0;
    TimeHandler time = new TimeHandler(request);
    try {
      if(start!=null) {
        startTime = sdf.parse(start).getTime();
      } else {
        startTime = time.getStartTime();
      if(end!=null) {
        endTime = sdf.parse(end).getTime();
      } else {
        endTime = time.getEndTime();
    } catch(ParseException e) {
      throw new WebApplicationException(Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)
          .entity("Start/End date parse error.  Format: yyyyMMddHHmmss.").build());      
    Set<String> columnNames = ChukwaHBaseStore.getRowNames(tableName, family, column, startTime, endTime, fullScan);
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/demux/processor/mapper/HadoopMetricsProcessor.java 74
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/demux/processor/mapper/JobSummary.java 48
  public JobSummary() {
    // TODO move that to config
    sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");

  protected void parse(String recordEntry,
      OutputCollector<ChukwaRecordKey, ChukwaRecord> output, Reporter reporter)
      throws Throwable {
    try {
      // Look for syslog PRI, if PRI is not found, start from offset of 0.
      int idx = recordEntry.indexOf('>', 0);  
      String dStr = recordEntry.substring(idx+1, idx+23);
      int start = idx + 25;
      idx = recordEntry.indexOf(' ', start);
      // String level = recordEntry.substring(start, idx);
      start = idx + 1;
      idx = recordEntry.indexOf(' ', start);
      // String className = recordEntry.substring(start, idx-1);
      String body = recordEntry.substring(idx + 1);
      body = body.replaceAll("\n", "");
      // log.info("record [" + recordEntry + "] body [" + body +"]");
      Date d = sdf.parse(dStr);
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/database/DatabaseConfig.java 56
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/inputtools/mdl/DataConfig.java 61
    if (System.getenv("CHUKWA_CONF_DIR") != null) {
      // Allow site-specific MDL files to be included in the
      // configuration so as to keep the "main" mdl.xml pure.
      File confDir = new File(System.getenv("CHUKWA_CONF_DIR"));
      File[] confFiles = confDir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {

        public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
          // Implements a naming convention of ending with "mdl.xml"
          // but is careful not to pick up mdl.xml itself again.
          return name.endsWith(MDL_XML) && !name.equals(MDL_XML);


      if (confFiles != null) {
        for (File confFile : confFiles)
          config.addResource(new Path(confFile.getAbsolutePath()));

  public String get(String key) {
    return config.get(key);

  public void put(String key, String value) {
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/datacollection/agent/rest/AdaptorController.java 187
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/datacollection/agent/rest/AdaptorController.java 212
      String[] status = adaptor.getCurrentStatus().split(" ",2);
      List<AdaptorAveragedRate> rates = new ArrayList<AdaptorAveragedRate>();
      rates.add(new AdaptorAveragedRate(60, adaptorStats.calcAverageRate(adaptor,  60)));
      rates.add(new AdaptorAveragedRate(300, adaptorStats.calcAverageRate(adaptor,  300)));
      rates.add(new AdaptorAveragedRate(600, adaptorStats.calcAverageRate(adaptor,  600)));
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/fsm/DataNodeClientTraceMapper.java 98
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/fsm/TaskTrackerClientTraceMapper.java 97
    end_rec.fsm_type = new FSMType(FSMType.MAPREDUCE_FSM);
    end_rec.state_type = new StateType(StateType.STATE_END);    
    /* extract addresses */
    Matcher src_regex = ipPattern.matcher(val.getValue("src"));
    if (src_regex.matches()) {
      src_add = src_regex.group(1);
    } else {
      log.warn("Failed to match src IP:"+val.getValue("src")+"");
      src_add = new String("");
    Matcher dest_regex = ipPattern.matcher(val.getValue("dest"));
    if (dest_regex.matches()) {
      dest_add = dest_regex.group(1);
    } else {
      log.warn("Failed to match dest IP:"+val.getValue("dest")+"");
      dest_add = new String("");
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/visualization/Swimlanes.java 104
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/visualization/Swimlanes.java 153
        String curr_reduce = orig_tab.getString(origrownum, "friendly_id");
        newrownum = this.plot_tab.addRow();
        this.plot_tab.set(newrownum, "state_name", orig_tab.getString(origrownum, "state_name"));
        this.plot_tab.set(newrownum, "ycoord", orig_tab.getInt(origrownum, "seqno"));
        this.plot_tab.set(newrownum,START_FIELD_NAME, orig_tab.getDouble(origrownum,START_FIELD_NAME));
        this.plot_tab.set(newrownum,END_FIELD_NAME, orig_tab.getDouble(origrownum,END_FIELD_NAME));
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/visualization/Heatmap.java 224
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/visualization/Swimlanes.java 538
    this.jobname = new String(s);

   * Set dimensions of image to be generated
   * Call before calling @see #run
  public void setDimensions(int width, int height) {
   * Specify whether to print legend of states
   * Advisable to not print legend for excessively small images since
   * legend has fixed point size
   * Call before calling @see #run
  public void setLegend(boolean legendopt) {
    if (legendopt) {
      this.plot_legend = true;
    } else {
      this.plot_legend = false;
   * Generates image in specified format, and writes image as binary
   * output to supplied output stream 
  public boolean getImage(java.io.OutputStream output, String img_fmt, double scale) {
    dis = new Display(this.viz);
    dis.setFont(new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF,Font.PLAIN,24));
    return dis.saveImage(output, img_fmt, scale);
   * Adds a column to given table by converting timestamp to long with
   * seconds since epoch, and adding milliseconds from additional column
   * in original table
   * @param origTable Table to add to
   * @param srcFieldName Name of column containing timestamp
   * @param srcMillisecondFieldName Name of column containing millisecond value of time 
   * @param dstFieldName Name of new column to add
   * @return Modified table with added column
  protected Table addTimeCol 
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/demux/processor/mapper/JobLogHistoryProcessor.java 70
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/demux/processor/mapper/Log4jJobHistoryProcessor.java 75
      body = body.substring(firstSep);


      // String fieldName = null;
      // String fieldValue = null;

      while (internalMatcher.matches()) {

        keys.put(internalMatcher.group(1).trim(), internalMatcher.group(2)

        // TODO Remove debug info before production
        // fieldName = internalMatcher.group(1).trim();
        // fieldValue = internalMatcher.group(2).trim();
        // log.info("JobLogHistoryProcessor Add field: [" + fieldName +
        // "][" + fieldValue +"]" );
        // log.info("EOL : [" + internalMatcher.group(3) + "]" );

      if (!keys.containsKey("JOBID")) {
        // Extract JobID from taskID
        // JOBID = "job_200804210403_0005"
        // TASKID = "tip_200804210403_0005_m_000018"
        String jobId = keys.get("TASKID");
        int idx1 = jobId.indexOf('_', 0);
        int idx2 = jobId.indexOf('_', idx1 + 1);
        idx2 = jobId.indexOf('_', idx2 + 1);
        keys.put("JOBID", "job" + jobId.substring(idx1, idx2));
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/datastore/ChukwaHBaseStore.java 153
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/datastore/ChukwaHBaseStore.java 193
      scan.addColumn(family.getBytes(), qualifier.getBytes());
      if(!fullScan) {
        // Take sample columns of the recent time.
        StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder();
      } else {
        StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder();
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/ChukwaArchiveKey.java 169
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/engine/ChukwaRecordKey.java 136
        key = _rio_a.readString("key");
      } else {
        java.util.ArrayList<org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.FieldTypeInfo> typeInfos = (java.util.ArrayList<org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.FieldTypeInfo>) (_rio_rtiFilter
        org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.Utils.skip(_rio_a, typeInfos.get(_rio_i)
            .getFieldID(), typeInfos.get(_rio_i).getTypeID());

  public int compareTo(final Object _rio_peer_) throws ClassCastException {
    if (!(_rio_peer_ instanceof ChukwaRecordKey)) {
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/engine/ChukwaRecordJT.java 180
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/engine/ChukwaRecordKey.java 137
      } else {
        java.util.ArrayList<org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.FieldTypeInfo> typeInfos = (java.util.ArrayList<org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.FieldTypeInfo>) (_rio_rtiFilter
        org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.Utils.skip(_rio_a, typeInfos.get(_rio_i)
            .getFieldID(), typeInfos.get(_rio_i).getTypeID());

  public int compareTo(final Object _rio_peer_) throws ClassCastException {
    if (!(_rio_peer_ instanceof ChukwaRecordKey)) {
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/database/DatabaseConfig.java 163
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/database/DatabaseConfig.java 252
          partitionSize = CENTURY;
        currentPartition = now / partitionSize;
        startPartition = start / partitionSize;
        endPartition = end / partitionSize;
      } else {
        fallback = false;

    if (startPartition != endPartition) {
      int delta = (int) (endPartition - startPartition);
      tableNames = new String[delta + 1];
      for (int i = 0; i <= delta; i++) {
        long partition = startPartition + (long) i;
        tableNames[i] = tableName + "_" + partition + tableType;
    } else {
      tableNames = new String[1];
      tableNames[0] = tableName + "_" + startPartition + tableType;

    return tableNames;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/ChukwaArchiveKey.java 170
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/engine/ChukwaRecordJT.java 180
      } else {
        java.util.ArrayList<org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.FieldTypeInfo> typeInfos = (java.util.ArrayList<org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.FieldTypeInfo>) (_rio_rtiFilter
        org.apache.hadoop.record.meta.Utils.skip(_rio_a, typeInfos.get(_rio_i)
            .getFieldID(), typeInfos.get(_rio_i).getTypeID());

  public int compareTo(final Object _rio_peer_) throws ClassCastException {
    if (!(_rio_peer_ instanceof ChukwaRecordJT)) {
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/hicc/DatasetMapper.java 185
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/util/DatabaseWriter.java 148
  public void close() {
    // it is a good idea to release
    // resources in a finally{} block
    // in reverse-order of their creation
    // if they are no-longer needed
    if (rs != null) {
      try {
      } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
        // ignore
      rs = null;
    if (stmt != null) {
      try {
      } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
        // ignore
      stmt = null;
    if (conn != null) {
      try {
      } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
        // ignore
      conn = null;
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/rest/resource/ViewContextResolver.java 49
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/rest/resource/WidgetContextResolver.java 46
      public WidgetContextResolver() throws Exception {
          Map props = new HashMap<String, Object>();
          props.put(JSONJAXBContext.JSON_NOTATION, JSONJAXBContext.JSONNotation.MAPPED);
          props.put(JSONJAXBContext.JSON_ROOT_UNWRAPPING, Boolean.TRUE);
          props.put(JSONJAXBContext.JSON_ARRAYS, jsonArray);
          this.types = new HashSet<Class<?>>(Arrays.asList(classTypes));
          this.context = new JSONJAXBContext(classTypes, props);

      public JAXBContext getContext(Class<?> objectType) {
          return (types.contains(objectType)) ? context : null;
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/fsm/DataNodeClientTraceMapper.java 50
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/fsm/TaskTrackerClientTraceMapper.java 51
  public void map
    (ChukwaRecordKey key, ChukwaRecord val,
     OutputCollector<ChukwaRecordKey, FSMIntermedEntry> output, 
		 Reporter reporter)
    throws IOException 

		/* Extract field names for checking */
		String [] fieldNames = val.getFields();
		ArrayList<String> fieldNamesList = new ArrayList<String>(fieldNames.length);
		for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) {
		// Handle ClientTraceDetailed and DataNodeLog entries separately
		// because we need to combine both types of entries for a complete picture
		if (key.getReduceType().equals("ClientTraceDetailed")) {
		  if (val.getValue("op").startsWith("MAPRED")) { 
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/ChukwaArchiveKey.java 298
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/ChukwaArchiveKey.java 349
          long i1 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.readVLong(b1, s1);
          long i2 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.readVLong(b2, s2);
          if (i1 != i2) {
            return ((i1 - i2) < 0) ? -1 : 0;
          int z1 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.getVIntSize(i1);
          int z2 = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.getVIntSize(i2);
          s1 += z1;
          s2 += z2;
          l1 -= z1;
          l2 -= z2;
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/ChukwaArchiveKey.java 361
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/engine/ChukwaRecordKey.java 269
        return (os1 - s1);
      } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {
      int ret = compareRaw(b1, s1, l1, b2, s2, l2);
      return (ret == -1) ? -1 : ((ret == 0) ? 1 : 0);

  static {
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/demux/processor/mapper/JobLogHistoryProcessor.java 156
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/demux/processor/mapper/JobLogHistoryProcessor.java 198
        key.setKey("JobLogHist/SHUFFLE/" + keys.get("JOBID") + "/"
            + keys.get("START_TIME"));
        record = new ChukwaRecord();
        record.add("JOBID", keys.get("JOBID"));
        record.add("START_TIME", keys.get("START_TIME"));
        record.add(Record.tagsField, chunk.getTags());
        // log.info("JobLogHist/SHUFFLE/S");
        output.collect(key, record);

      } else if (keys.get("RECORD_TYPE").equalsIgnoreCase("ReduceAttempt")
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/ChukwaArchiveKey.java 270
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/engine/ChukwaRecordKey.java 210
          int i = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.readVInt(b, s);
          int z = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.getVIntSize(i);
          s += (z + i);
          l -= (z + i);
          int i = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.readVInt(b, s);
          int z = org.apache.hadoop.record.Utils.getVIntSize(i);
          s += (z + i);
          l -= (z + i);
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/hicc/ClusterConfig.java 30
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/util/ClusterConfig.java 29
  static public String getContents(File aFile) {
    // ...checks on aFile are elided
    StringBuffer contents = new StringBuffer();

    try {
      // use buffering, reading one line at a time
      // FileReader always assumes default encoding is OK!
      BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(aFile));
      try {
        String line = null; // not declared within while loop
         * readLine is a bit quirky : it returns the content of a line MINUS the
         * newline. it returns null only for the END of the stream. it returns
         * an empty String if two newlines appear in a row.
        while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
      } finally {
    } catch (IOException ex) {

    return contents.toString();

  public ClusterConfig() {
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/visualization/Swimlanes.java 250
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/analysis/salsa/visualization/Swimlanes.java 274
        if (this.collate_reduces && curr_state.equals("reduce_reducer")) {
          ArrayList<Tuple> alt = this.reducepart_hash.get(this.plot_tab.getString(rownum,"friendly_id"));
          Object [] tarr = alt.toArray();
          for (int i = 0; i < tarr.length; i++) ((Tuple)tarr[i]).setFloat("ycoord",(float)counter);
        } else if (!curr_state.equals("reduce_sort") && !curr_state.equals("reduce_shufflewait")) {
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/inputtools/mdl/LoaderServer.java 74
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/util/PidFile.java 117
    String pidFileName = pidFilesb.toString();

    File pidFile = new File(pidFileName);
    if (!pidFile.exists()) {
      log.error("Delete pid file, No such file or directory: " + pidFileName);
    } else {
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
        log.error("Unable to release file lock: " + pidFileName);

    boolean result = pidFile.delete();
    if (!result) {
      log.error("Delete pid file failed, " + pidFileName);
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/engine/ChukwaRecordJT.java 139
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/extraction/engine/ChukwaRecordJT.java 167
          org.apache.hadoop.record.Index _rio_midx1 = _rio_a
          mapFields = new java.util.TreeMap<String, org.apache.hadoop.record.Buffer>();
          for (; !_rio_midx1.done(); _rio_midx1.incr()) {
            String _rio_k1;
            _rio_k1 = _rio_a.readString("_rio_k1");
            org.apache.hadoop.record.Buffer _rio_v1;
            _rio_v1 = _rio_a.readBuffer("_rio_v1");
            mapFields.put(_rio_k1, _rio_v1);
File Line
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/database/DataExpiration.java 49
org/apache/hadoop/chukwa/database/TableCreator.java 55
    HashMap<String, String> dbNames = dbc.startWith("report.db.name.");
    Iterator<String> ki = dbNames.keySet().iterator();
    while (ki.hasNext()) {
      String name = ki.next();
      String tableName = dbNames.get(name);
      if (!RegexUtil.isRegex(tableName)) {
        log.warn("Skipping tableName: '" + tableName
            + "' because there was an error parsing it as a regex: "
            + RegexUtil.regexError(tableName));
      String[] tableList = dbc.findTableName(tableName, start, end);