Smart Content Binding (SCB) is an open source framework developed by aiming primarily at providing a java implementation of the graph data model specified by W3C RDF and functionalities to operate on that data model. SCB offers a service interface to access multiple named graphs and it can use various providers to manage RDF graphs in a technology specific manner, e.g., using Jena (TBD) or Sesame . It also provides façades that allow an application to use Jena or Sesame (TBD) APIs to process RDF graphs (note that the choice of a façade is independent of the chosen backend; you can for example use the Jena façade to write your code against the Jena API while using the Sesame provider to store your data in a Sesame store). Furthermore, SCB offers a serialization and a parsing service to convert a graph into a certain representation (format) and vice versa. In order to support ontologies usage, SCB provides a tool to convert ontologies defined in various formats including RDF/XML into Java classes.