1 To upload triples with a POST request, a client can use the URI path "/graph" and place the triples and other required information into the body as multipart/form-data which consists of
  • a file labeled "graph" containing the triples and specifying the mime-type.
  • a text field labeled "name" specifying the name of the MGraph. If an MGraph with this name does not already exist, a new one will be created.
  • an optional text field labeled "mode" specifying the mode. If the mode is "replace", existing triples of the MGraph will be deleted before new triples are added. If the mode is not specified or is "append", posted triples will be added to the MGraph.
  • an optional text field labeled "redirection" specifying an URI which the client should be redirected to in case of success.
A response with the status code BAD REQUEST (400) is returned if the required data are missing. If the request can be satisfied, one of the following responses is returned:
  • SEE OTHER (303), if redirection is specified.
  • CREATED (201), if redirection is not specified and a new MGraph is created.
  • NO CONTENT (204), if redirection is not specified and no new MGraph is created.

For your convenience you may access a web-form at the Uri-Path /graph/upload-form.