The bundle SCB Web allows access to SCB graphs over HTTP with JAX-RS.

Upload Triples with a POST Request

To upload triples with a POST request, a client can use the URI path "/graph" and place the triples and other required information into the body as multipart/form-data which consists of A response with the status code BAD REQUEST (400) is returned if the required data are missing. If the request can be satisfied, one of the following responses is returned:

For your convenience you may access a web-form at the Uri-Path /graph/upload-form.

Backup of Triple Collections

The platform allows the current user to download all triple collections that he has access to through the URI path "/admin/backup/download". The resulted file is a compressed archive in zip format. All triple collections in this file are serialized in N-Triples format. Furthermore, a file called "triplecollections.nt" is contained in, which describes the mapping of file names to triple collection names.