
Apache Click™ is a modern JEE web application framework, providing a natural rich client style programming model. Apache Click is designed to be very easy to learn and use, with developers getting up and running within a day.


User Guide

The design philosophy behind Click is best summarized in the Swedish word lagom which translates to not too little or too much, but optimal.

If you want to dive straight into some code examples see the User Guide Introduction.

For those interested in the design philosophy and background of the framework read Why Click?.

Apache Click is a project of the Apache Software Foundation and released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Latest News

30 January 2011 - Apache Click 2.3.0 Release Candidate 1 is now available
We are pleased to announce the latest development release, Click 2.3.0 RC1.

Download is available here.

Highlights of this release include:

Please see the official announcement and changelog for more details.

If you are upgrading from 2.2.0 or earlier, please refer to the upgrade path.

28 November 2010 - Apache Click 2.3.0 Milestone 1 is now available
We are pleased to announce the latest development release, Click 2.3.0 M1.

Download is available here.

This is the first Click release with full server-side Ajax support and Stateful pages have been deprecated in favour of light-weight Stateful controls.

Please see the official announcement and changelog for more details.

If you are upgrading from 2.2.0 or earlier, please refer to the upgrade path.

22 May 2010 - Apache Click 2.2.0 has been released
We are pleased to announce that Click 2.2.0 has been released.

Download is available here.

Highlights of this release include:

Please see the official announcement and changelog for more details.

If you are upgrading from 2.1.0 or earlier, please refer to the upgrade path.

5 January 2010 - Click Book now available
Getting started with Apache Click 2010 started with a bang as Freddy Daoud announced his new book: Getting Started With Apache Click.

Finally, a book is available on Apache Click which is a great way for getting started quickly.

The book targets Click 2.1.0.