5.4. Navigation

When navigating between Pages using forwards and redirects, you should refer to the target page using the Page class rather than using path. This provides you compile time checking and will save you from having to update path strings in Java code if you move pages about.

To forward to another page using the Page class:

public class CustomerListPage extends Page {

    public ActionLink customerLink = new ActionLink(this,"onCustomerClick");


    public boolean onCustomerClick() {
        Integer id = customerLink.getValueInteger();
        Customer customer = getCustomerService().getCustomer(id);

        CustomerDetailPage customerDetailPage = (CustomerDetailPage)


        return false;

To redirect to another page using the Page class you can obtain the pages path from the Context. In the example below we are passing through the customer id as a request parameter to the target page.

public class CustomerListPage extends Page {

    public ActionLink customerLink = new ActionLink(this, "onCustomerClick");


    public boolean onCustomerClick() {
        String id = customerLink.getValueInteger();

        String path = getContext().getPagePath(CustomerDetailPage.class);
        setRedirect(path + "?id=" + id);

        return false;

A quick way of redirecting to another page is to simply refer to the target class. The example below logs a user out, by invalidating their session, and then redirects them to the application home page.

public boolean onLogoutClick() {


    return false;