# CVS $Id: tidy.properties,v 1.1 2004/06/08 19:02:51 vgritsenko Exp $ # # Tidy properties file used by HTMLGenerator, HTMLTransformer. # List compiled based on jTidy 04aug2000r7-dev, see also: # http://jtidy.sourceforge.net/apidocs/org/w3c/tidy/Configuration.html # # Please note that output format properties (indent, etc) will have no # effect on HTMLGenerator or HTMLTransformer as they use DOM created by # jTidy, and not use jTidy to output actual HTML. # (Is there a need for HTMLReader?) # Spaces for indentation #indent-spaces=2 # Line length #wrap=68 # Tab size #tab-size=4 # Wrap within attribute values #wrap-attributes=false # Wrap within JavaScript string literals #wrap-script-literals=false # Wrap within section tags #wrap-sections=true # Wrap within ASP pseudo elements #wrap-asp=true # Wrap within JSTE pseudo elements #wrap-jste=true # Wrap within PHP pseudo elements #wrap-php=true # If true attributes may use newlines #literal-attributes=false # If true normal output is suppressed #markup=false # No 'Parsing X', guessed DTD or summary #quiet=false # Add meta element indicating tidied doc #tidy-mark=true # Indent content of appropriate tags #indent= # Newline+indent before each attribute #indent-attributes=false # Suppress optional end tags #hide-endtags=false # Treat input as XML #input-xml=false # Create output as XML #output-xml=false # Output extensible HTML #output-xhtml=false # Add for XML docs #add-xml-decl=false # If set to yes PIs must end with ?> #assume-xml-procins=false # Avoid mapping values > 127 to entities #raw=false # Output tags in upper not lower case #uppercase-tags=false # Output attributes in upper not lower case #uppercase-attributes=false # Remove presentational clutter #clean=false # Replace i by em and b by strong #logical-emphasis=false # Draconian cleaning for Word2000 #word-2000=false # Discard empty p elements #drop-empty-paras=true # Discard presentation tags #drop-font-tags=false # If yes text at body is wrapped in

's #enclose-text=false # If yes text in blocks is wrapped in

's #enclose-block-text=false # Default text for alt attribute #alt-text= # If set to yes adds xml:space attr as needed #add-xml-space=false # Fix comments with adjacent hyphens #fix-bad-comments=true # Create slides on each h2 element #split=false # O/p newline before
or not? #break-before-br=false # Use numeric entities #numeric-entities=false # Output " marks as " #quote-marks=false # Output non-breaking space as entity #quote-nbsp=true # Output naked ampersand as & #quote-ampersand=true # If true then output tidied markup #write-back=false # If yes last modied time is preserved #keep-time=true # However errors are always shown #show-warnings=true # File name to write errors to #error-file= # Style sheet for slides #slide-style= #new-inline-tags= #new-blocklevel-tags= #new-empty-tags= #new-pre-tags= #char-encoding=ASCII # User specified doctype #doctype= # Fix URLs by replacing \ with / #fix-backslash=true # If true format error output for GNU Emacs #gnu-emacs=false