The Dream Team Home Page

The Dream Team

Welcome to the Dream Team Chooser.

Did you watch the European Soccer Championship in the summer of 2004? Where you jumping up and down for joy over the successes or biting your nails out of frustration? Here is your chance to select the ultimate team of champions.
Start this application and choose your dream team of soccer players.

Have fun!

Select team

Developer Notes


This sample shows how to build a Cocoon Form with a repeater widget that is bound to JavaBeans. The fields in a repeater row are dependent. More specific: the choice in the first selection list updates the selection list in the second field. Finally, a choice in the second selection list, changes the third field.
Flowscripts are used to build the forms and handle the result.

This sample assumes you have a basic knowledge of Cocoon Forms and Javascript. If your knowledge of Cocoon Forms is limited, please have a look at the Cocoon Forms documentation and the Wiki pages.

Flowscript or flow, is considered to be the glue between pipelines and forms. It is a special kind of Javascript that runs on the server.
More information on the Flowscript can be found through the links in the Flowscript section of Chapter 7 of the Cocoon215TOC Wiki page.

Also have a look at the Supersonic Tour Sample which is a live tutorial with a quick overview of Cocoon. Cocoon Forms and flow are explained there and you can see some samples in action.

The start

This page is started from a flowscript that reads in soccer.xml and passes it onto a Manager. This Java class represents a simple Java-based connection to a datasource.
Normally you would handle all interaction with the data through Java classes, not in flow, but for the sake of simplicity and to demonstrate the communication between flow and your business layer, we used a function loadDocument to read in the XML file and pass it on to the Manager class.

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