/* * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* Java Grammar */ %ab HexDigit : [0-9a-fA-F]; %ab Digit : [0-9]; %ab OctalDigit : [0-7]; %ab TetraDigit : [0-3]; %ab NonZeroDigit : [1-9]; %ab Letter : [a-zA-Z_]; %ab AnyButSlash : [^/]; %ab AnyButAstr : [^*]; %ab UniEsc : [\u0001]; %ab OctEscape1 : "\\" OctalDigit; %ab OctEscape2 : "\\" OctalDigit OctalDigit; %ab OctEscape3 : "\\" TetraDigit OctalDigit OctalDigit; %ab OctEscape : OctEscape1 | OctEscape2 | OctEscape3; %ab Escape : [\\] [rnbft\\'"]; %ab ULetter : Letter | UniEsc; Identifier : ULetter ( ULetter Digit )*; %ab IntSuffix : "l" | "L"; %ab DecimalNum : NonZeroDigit Digit* IntSuffix? ; %ab OctalNum : "0" OctalDigit* IntSuffix? ; %ab HexNum : "0" ("x"|"X") HexDigit HexDigit* IntSuffix? ; %ab IntegerLiteral : DecimalNum | OctalNum | HexNum; %ab Sign : "+" | "-"; %ab FlSuffix : "f" | "F" | "d" | "D"; %ab SignedInt : Sign? Digit+ ; %ab Expo : "e" | "E" ; %ab ExponentPart : Expo SignedInt? ; %ab Float1 : Digit+ "." (Digit+)? ExponentPart? FlSuffix?; %ab Float2 : "." Digit+ ExponentPart? FlSuffix? ; %ab Float3 : Digit+ ExponentPart FlSuffix? ; %ab Float4 : Digit+ FlSuffix ; %ab FloatingPoint : Float1 | Float2 | Float3 | Float4 ; %ab AnyChrChr : [^\\'] ; %ab AnyStrChr : [^\\"] ; %ab Character : "'" (Escape | OctEscape | AnyChrChr) "'" ; %ab String : "\"" (Escape | OctEscape | AnyStrChr)* "\""; %ab Numeric : IntegerLiteral | FloatingPoint ; LITERAL : Numeric | Character | String ; IDENTIFIER : ([a-zA-Z_] | [\u0001]) (([a-zA-Z_] | [\u0001]) | [0-9])*; OP_DIM : "[" ([\r\n\t\ ] | ( "/" "\*" ([^\*] | "\*" [^/])* "\*" "/" | "//" (.*)))* "]"; %ab SPACES : " "+; %ab TAB : "\t"; %ab EOL : "\r" "\n"? | "\n" ; // JAVADOC : "/**" ([^*] | [*] [^/])* "*/"; JAVADOC : "/**" Description Property+ "*/"; Description : ([\*\n\r\ \t]+ | DescriptionText)* ; DescriptionText : [A-Za-z<>%]+ ([\ \t]+ [A-Za-z<>%]+)* ; Property : "@" PropertyIdentifier [\ \t]+ Description ; PropertyIdentifier : [A-Za-z]+ ; %ab MULTILINECOMMENT : "/*" [^*] ([^*] | "*" [^/])* "*/"; %ab SINGLELINECOMMENT : "//" (.*); WS : (SPACES|TAB|EOL|JAVADOC|MULTILINECOMMENT|SINGLELINECOMMENT)* ; %start CompilationUnit; TypeSpecifier : TypeName Dims? ; TypeName : PrimitiveType | QualifiedName ; ClassNameList : QualifiedName (WS "," WS QualifiedName)* ; PrimitiveType : "boolean" | "char" | "byte" | "short" | "int" | "long" | "float" | "double" | "void" ; SemiColons : ";" | SemiColons ";" ; CompilationUnit : ProgramFile ; ProgramFile : WS PackageStatement (WS ImportStatements)? (WS TypeDeclarations)? WS | (WS PackageStatement)? WS ImportStatements (WS TypeDeclarations)? WS | (WS PackageStatement)? (WS ImportStatements)? WS TypeDeclarations WS ; PackageStatement : "package" WS QualifiedName WS SemiColons ; TypeDeclarations : TypeDeclarationOptSemi+ ; TypeDeclarationOptSemi : TypeDeclaration SemiColons? ; ImportStatements : ImportStatement (WS ImportStatement)* ; ImportStatement : "import" WS QualifiedName ("." "*")? WS SemiColons ; QualifiedName : IDENTIFIER ("." IDENTIFIER)* ; TypeDeclaration : ClassHeader WS "{" (WS FieldDeclarations)? WS "}" ; ClassHeader : (Modifiers WS)? ClassWord WS IDENTIFIER (WS Extends)? (WS Interfaces)? ; Modifiers : Modifier ( WS Modifier )* ; Modifier : "abstract" | "final" | "public" | "protected" | "private" | "static" | "transient" | "volatile" | "native" | "synchronized" ; ClassWord : "class" | "interface" ; Interfaces : "implements" WS ClassNameList ; FieldDeclarations : FieldDeclaration ((WS SemiColons)? WS FieldDeclaration)* ; FieldDeclaration : FieldVariableDeclaration WS ";" | MethodDeclaration | ConstructorDeclaration | StaticInitializer | NonStaticInitializer | TypeDeclaration ; FieldVariableDeclaration : (Modifiers WS)? TypeSpecifier WS VariableDeclarators ; VariableDeclarators : VariableDeclarator (WS "," WS VariableDeclarator)* ; VariableDeclarator : DeclaratorName (WS "=" WS VariableInitializer)? ; VariableInitializer : Expression | "{" (WS ArrayInitializers)? WS "}" ; ArrayInitializers : VariableInitializer (WS "," WS VariableInitializer)* ; MethodDeclaration : (Modifiers WS)? TypeSpecifier WS MethodDeclarator (WS Throws)? WS MethodBody ; MethodDeclarator : DeclaratorName WS "(" (WS ParameterList)? WS ")" | MethodDeclarator OP_DIM ; ParameterList : Parameter (WS "," WS Parameter)* ; Parameter : "final"? TypeSpecifier WS DeclaratorName ; DeclaratorName : IDENTIFIER | DeclaratorName OP_DIM ; Throws : "throws" WS ClassNameList ; MethodBody : Block | ";" ; ConstructorDeclaration : Modifiers? ConstructorDeclarator Throws? Block ; ConstructorDeclarator : IDENTIFIER "(" ParameterList? ")" ; StaticInitializer : "static" Block ; NonStaticInitializer : Block ; Extends : "extends" TypeName ("," TypeName)* ; Block : "{" (WS LocalVariableDeclarationsAndStatements)? WS "}" ; LocalVariableDeclarationsAndStatements : LocalVariableDeclarationOrStatement (WS LocalVariableDeclarationOrStatement)* ; LocalVariableDeclarationOrStatement : LocalVariableDeclarationStatement | Statement ; LocalVariableDeclarationStatement : ("final" WS)? TypeSpecifier WS VariableDeclarators ";" ; Statement : EmptyStatement | LabelStatement | ExpressionStatement ";" | SelectionStatement | IterationStatement | JumpStatement | GuardingStatement | Block ; EmptyStatement : ";" ; LabelStatement : IDENTIFIER ":" | "case" ConstantExpression ":" | "default" ":" ; ExpressionStatement : Expression ; SelectionStatement : "if" WS "(" WS Expression WS ")" WS Statement | "if" WS "(" WS Expression WS ")" WS Statement WS "else" WS Statement | "switch" WS "(" WS Expression WS ")" WS Block ; IterationStatement : "while" WS "(" WS Expression WS ")" WS Statement | "do" WS Statement WS "while" WS "(" WS Expression WS ")" WS ";" | "for" WS "(" WS ForInit WS ForExpr WS ForIncr WS ")" WS Statement | "for" WS "(" WS ForInit WS ForExpr WS ")" WS Statement ; ForInit : ExpressionStatements WS ";" | LocalVariableDeclarationStatement | ";" ; ForExpr : Expression WS ";" | ";" ; ForIncr : ExpressionStatements ; ExpressionStatements : ExpressionStatement (WS "," WS ExpressionStatement)* ; JumpStatement : "break" (WS IDENTIFIER)? WS ";" | "continue" (WS IDENTIFIER)? WS ";" | "return" (WS Expression)? WS ";" | "throw" WS Expression WS ";" ; GuardingStatement : "synchronized" WS "(" WS Expression WS ")" WS Statement | "try" WS Block WS Finally | "try" WS Block WS Catches (WS Finally)? ; Catches : Catch (WS Catch)* ; Catch : CatchHeader WS Block ; CatchHeader : "catch" WS "(" WS TypeSpecifier (WS IDENTIFIER)? WS ")" ; Finally : "finally" WS Block ; PrimaryExpression : QualifiedName | NotJustName ; NotJustName : SpecialName | NewAllocationExpression | ComplexPrimary ; ComplexPrimary : "(" WS Expression WS ")" | ComplexPrimaryNoParenthesis ; ComplexPrimaryNoParenthesis : LITERAL | "true" | "false" | ArrayAccess | FieldAccess | MethodCall ; ArrayAccess : QualifiedName WS "[" WS Expression WS "]" | ComplexPrimary WS "[" WS Expression WS "]" ; FieldAccess : NotJustName "." IDENTIFIER | RealPostfixExpression "." IDENTIFIER | QualifiedName "." "this" | QualifiedName "." "class" | PrimitiveType "." "class" ; MethodCall : MethodAccess WS "(" (WS ArgumentList)? WS ")" ; MethodAccess : ComplexPrimaryNoParenthesis | SpecialName | QualifiedName ; SpecialName : "this" | "super" | "null" ; ArgumentList : Expression (WS "," WS Expression)* ; NewAllocationExpression : (QualifiedName ".")? PlainNewAllocationExpression ; PlainNewAllocationExpression : ArrayAllocationExpression (WS "{" (WS ArrayInitializers)? WS "}")? | ClassAllocationExpression (WS "{" (WS FieldDeclarations)? WS "}")? ; ClassAllocationExpression : "new" WS TypeName WS "(" (WS ArgumentList)? WS ")" ; ArrayAllocationExpression : "new" WS TypeName WS DimExprs (WS Dims)? | "new" WS TypeName WS Dims ; DimExprs : DimExpr+ ; DimExpr : "[" WS Expression WS "]" ; Dims : OP_DIM+ ; PostfixExpression : PrimaryExpression | RealPostfixExpression ; RealPostfixExpression : PostfixExpression WS ("++"|"--") ; UnaryExpression : ("++"|"--") UnaryExpression | ("+"|"-") CastExpression | LogicalUnaryExpression ; LogicalUnaryExpression : PostfixExpression | ("~"|"!") UnaryExpression ; CastExpression : UnaryExpression | "(" WS PrimitiveTypeExpression WS ")" WS CastExpression | "(" WS ClassTypeExpression WS ")" WS CastExpression | "(" WS Expression WS ")" WS LogicalUnaryExpression ; PrimitiveTypeExpression : PrimitiveType Dims? ; ClassTypeExpression : QualifiedName Dims ; MultiplicativeExpression : CastExpression (WS ("*"|"/"|"%") WS CastExpression)* ; AdditiveExpression : MultiplicativeExpression (WS ("+"|"-") WS MultiplicativeExpression)* ; ShiftExpression : AdditiveExpression (WS ("<<"|">>"|">>>") WS AdditiveExpression)* ; RelationalExpression : ShiftExpression (WS ("<"|">"|"<="|">=") WS ShiftExpression)* | RelationalExpression WS "instanceof" WS TypeSpecifier ; EqualityExpression : RelationalExpression (WS ("==" | "!=") WS RelationalExpression)* ; AndExpression : EqualityExpression (WS "&" WS EqualityExpression)* ; ExclusiveOrExpression : AndExpression (WS "^" WS AndExpression)* ; InclusiveOrExpression : ExclusiveOrExpression (WS "|" WS ExclusiveOrExpression)* ; ConditionalAndExpression : InclusiveOrExpression (WS "&&" WS InclusiveOrExpression)* ; ConditionalOrExpression : ConditionalAndExpression (WS "||" WS ConditionalAndExpression)* ; ConditionalExpression : ConditionalOrExpression | ConditionalOrExpression "?" Expression ":" ConditionalExpression ; AssignmentExpression : ConditionalExpression | UnaryExpression WS AssignmentOperator WS AssignmentExpression ; AssignmentOperator : "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "&=" | "|=" | "^=" | "%=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | ">>>=" ; Expression : AssignmentExpression ; ConstantExpression : ConditionalExpression ;