Welcome to Cocoon XML Search using Lucene Lucene Logo

XML Search

Welcome to Cocoon XML Search. This page introduces Cocoon searching and offers the following samples:

  • Creating a Lucene index to enable searching
  • Searching through a once created Lucene index using various means:
  • Searching a Lucene index using XSP
  • Searching a Lucene index using SearchGenerator

Creating an Index

You must create a Lucene index first, before you can do the searching. You can create a Lucene index either by crawling, or by using LuceneIndexTransformer.

Creating Index By Crawling

Create an index by specifying a base url from which to start crawling (the indexer will follow the links to build its content). The base url should be cocoon-view aware of content-labels links, and content. For example you might use the base URL http://localhost:8888/docs/index.html

This following page allows you to create an index, named index.

Creating Index2 By Transforming

Create an index by using LuceneIndexTransformer. An XSP Page gathers all files of directory docs/xdocs, includes all the files and pipes it through LuceneIndexTransformer, creating an index, named index2.

This following page allows you to create an index, named index2.


If you have created a Lucene index, you can search the created index.

Searching Index

Enter a query and search the Lucene index that you have created - using XSP.

Enter a query and search the Lucene index that you have created - using Cocoon Generators.

Searching Index2

Enter a query and search the Lucene index2 that you have created - using Cocoon Generators.


Cocoon XML search uses the Jakarta Lucene indexing and search engine. The Cocoon documentation explains how it is implemented within Cocoon. Look behind the scenes of this example to find out more.