==================================== Using Jakarta Slide with Cocoon ==================================== 1. Copy the Java Transaction API (JTA) jar into lib/local. 2. Install the Web Application via in Tomcat ./build.sh -Dinstall.war=$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps -Dinclude.scratchpad.libs=yes install 3. Start Tomcat $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/catalina.sh run 4. Access the slide repository via Cocoon http://localhost:8080/cocoon/samples/slide/ [OPTIONAL] 5. If you want an access via WebDAV copy the web.xml into WEB-INF/ This file includes the WebDAV Servlet from Slide. 6. Add users to tomcat-users.xml for the MemoryRealm You can use the SlideRealm instead of the MemoryRealm. 7. Access WebDAV via MS WebFolders, Cadaver or whatever http://localhost:8080/cocoon/webdav/ (The Slide initialization will take the configuration, which the web.xml file specify) Have fun, Stephan Michels Some things must be fixed: * The base directory for the content stores should be set. At the moment there isn't a way to respect the context path. * The links of directory browsing doesn't work properly, because of the servlet mapping. * The support of the locking mechanism within the sources is in a alpha state.