             Minimal Cocoon Web Application Template

	 by Konstantin Piroumian (kpiroumian@apache.org)
	 Date: $Date: 2003/03/09 00:11:16 $

This is the place where you can start hacking with Cocoon.

What you have to know before using this template
1. You should know basics of XML: how to create content

2. You should be familiar more or less with XSLT

3. You should be familiar with Web Applications 
and servlet environment

4. It's not neccessary, but it'd be fine if you were familiar
with Java language, so you could create dynamic pages

For newbies

1. Create XML files, drop them into 'xml' directory

2. Edit the stylesheet named style.xsl to render your xml, 
   just drop it into 'xsl' directory

3. Access this URL: http://localhost:port/cocoon/myapp/page.xml 
       'page' is actual name of your xml file, say 'index.xml'
       'port' your app server port where it handles servlet requests, 
        8080 for Tomcat
4. Enjoy!

Note: Templates for XML, XSLT files are provided for your convenience.

A little more advanced users

1. Create XSP files, drop them into 'xml' directory

2. Create/reuse stylesheet(s) to render your XSP output

3. Access this URL: http://localhost:port/cocoon/myapp/page.xsp

4. Fix your XSP, try again

5. Enjoy!

Very advanced users

1. Read User docs (http://cocoon.apache.org/userdocs/)

2. Edit your sitemap.xmap as needed for your application: 
	- add/use components (see root sitemap to see what is availble)
	- add/modify pipelines (change matching patterns, add actions)
	- use more transformations in pipeline
	- use aggregation
	- create sitemap resources
	- create sitemap views

Not all the above is necessary for every application. 

For advanced developers
You don't need this application, you can create your own, if no, 
then look a few lines upper  ;)

1. Read Developer docs (http://cocoon.apache.org/developing/extending.html)

2. Implement your own components:
	- actions
	- generators
	- transformers
	- serializers
	- sources
	- [add your own]

Note: You can find a lot of samples to learn from in Cocoon sources.

3. Declare your components in sitemap

4. Debug your sitemap

5. Debug your components

6. Enjoy when it works!

For all kind of users

- Join Cocoon Users mail list and ask questions if you don't find the answer in FAQ or docs
- Join Cocoon Dev mail list to participate in Cocoon development

That's all folks!

Cocoon Team wishes you Happy Hacking with Cocoon 2.1!