/*------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) * 1996, 1997, 1998 Dmitri Bronnikov, All rights reserved. * * THIS GRAMMAR IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGMENT. * * Bronikov@inreach.com * *------------------------------------------------------------------ * * VERSION 1.06 DATE 20 AUG 1998 * *------------------------------------------------------------------ * * UPDATES * * 1.06 Correction of Java 1.1 syntax * 1.05 Yet more Java 1.1 * . * 1.04 More Java 1.1 features: * .this * .class * 1.03 Added Java 1.1 features: * inner classes, * anonymous classes, * non-static initializer blocks, * array initialization by new operator * 1.02 Corrected cast expression syntax * 1.01 All shift/reduce conflicts, except dangling else, resolved * *------------------------------------------------------------------ * * PARSING CONFLICTS RESOLVED * * Some Shift/Reduce conflicts have been resolved at the expense of * the grammar defines a superset of the language. The following * actions have to be performed to complete program syntax checking: * * 1) Check that modifiers applied to a class, interface, field, * or constructor are allowed in respectively a class, inteface, * field or constructor declaration. For example, a class * declaration should not allow other modifiers than abstract, * final and public. * * 2) For an expression statement, check it is either increment, or * decrement, or assignment expression. * * 3) Check that type expression in a cast operator indicates a type. * Some of the compilers that I have tested will allow simultaneous * use of identically named type and variable in the same scope * depending on context. * * 4) Change lexical definition to change '[' optionally followed by * any number of white-space characters immediately followed by ']' * to OP_DIM token. I defined this token as [\[]{white_space}*[\]] * in the lexer. * *------------------------------------------------------------------ * * UNRESOLVED SHIFT/REDUCE CONFLICTS * * Dangling else in if-then-else * *------------------------------------------------------------------ */ %token DOPEN "\("; %token DCLOSE "\)"; %token COPEN "\{"; %token CCLOSE "\}"; %token BOPEN "\["; %token BCLOSE "\]"; %token SEMICOLON "\;"; %token COMMA "\,"; %right DOT "\."; %token OP_EQ "=="; %token OP_LE "\<="; %token OP_GE "\>="; %token OP_NE "!="; %token OP_LOR "\|\|"; %token OP_LAND "&&"; %token OP_INC "\+\+"; %token OP_DEC "\-\-"; %token OP_SHR "\>\>"; %token OP_SHL "\<\<"; %token OP_SHRR "\>\>\>"; %token ASS_OP "\+= | \-= | \*= | /= | &= | \|= | \^= | \%= | \<\<= | \>\>= | \>\>\>="; %token EQ "\="; %token GT "\>"; %token LT "\<"; %token NOT "\!"; %token TILDE "\~"; %token QM "\?"; %token COLON "\:"; %token PLUS "\+"; %token MINUS "\-"; %token MULT "\*"; %token DIV "\/"; %token AND "\&"; %token OR "\|"; %token XOR "\^"; %token MOD "\%"; %token BOOLLIT "true|false"; %token ABSTRACT "abstract"; %token DO "do"; %token IMPLEMENTS "implements"; %token PACKAGE "package"; %token THROW "throw"; %token BOOLEAN "boolean"; %token DOUBLE "double"; %token IMPORT "import"; %token PRIVATE "private"; %token THROWS "throws"; %token BREAK "break"; %right ELSE "else"; %token INNER "inner"; %token PROTECTED "protected"; %token TRANSIENT "transient"; %token BYTE "byte"; %token EXTENDS "extends"; %token INSTANCEOF "instanceof"; %token PUBLIC "public"; %token TRY "try"; %token CASE "case"; %token FINAL "final"; %token INT "int"; %token REST "rest"; %token VAR "var"; %token CAST "cast"; %token FINALLY "finally"; %token INTERFACE "interface"; %token RETURN "return"; %token VOID "void"; %token CATCH "catch"; %token FLOAT "float"; %token LONG "long"; %token SHORT "short"; %token VOLATILE "volatile"; %token CHAR "char"; %token FOR "for"; %token NATIVE "native"; %token STATIC "static"; %token WHILE "while"; %token CLASS "class"; %token FUTURE "future"; %token NEW "new"; %token SUPER "super"; %token CONST "const"; %token GENERIC "generic"; %token NULL "null"; %token SWITCH "switch"; %token CONTINUE "continue"; %token GOTO "goto"; %token OPERATOR "operator"; %token SYNCHRONIZED "synchronized"; %token DEFAULT "default"; %token IF "if"; %token OUTER "outer"; %token THIS "this"; %ab HexDigit "[0-9a-fA-F]"; %ab Digit "[0-9]"; %ab OctalDigit "[0-7]"; %ab TetraDigit "[0-3]"; %ab NonZeroDigit "[1-9]"; %ab Letter "[a-zA-Z_]"; %ab AnyButSlash "[^\/]"; %ab AnyButAstr "[^\*]"; %ab UniEsc "[\1b]"; %ab OctEscape1 "\\ "; %ab OctEscape2 "\\ "; %ab OctEscape3 "\\ "; %ab OctEscape "(||)"; %ab Escape "[\\]([rnbft\\\'\"])"; %ab ULetter "(|)"; %ab Identifier "(|)*"; %ab IntSuffix "(l|L)"; %ab DecimalNum "*?"; %ab OctalNum "0 *?"; %ab HexNum "0 (x|X) *?"; %ab IntegerLiteral "(||)"; %ab Sign "(\+ | \-)"; %ab FlSuffix "(f|F|d|D)"; %ab SignedInt "?+"; %ab Expo "(e|E)"; %ab ExponentPart "?"; %ab Float1 "+ \. (+)???"; %ab Float2 "\. +??"; %ab Float3 "+?"; %ab Float4 "+"; %ab FloatingPoint "(|||)"; %ab AnyChrChr "[^\\']"; %ab AnyStrChr "[^\\\"]"; %ab Character "\' (||) \'"; %ab String "\" (||)* \""; %ab Numeric "(|)"; %token LITERAL "(||)"; %token IDENTIFIER "([a-zA-Z_]|[\1b])(([a-zA-Z_]|[\1b])|[0-9])*"; %token OP_DIM "\[ ([\r\n\t\ ]|( \/ \* ([^\*]| \* [^\/])* \* \/ | \/ \/ (.*)))* \]"; %token SPACES "(\ )+"; %token TAB "\t"; %token EOL "\r(\n)?|\n"; // eol %token JAVADOC "/ \* \* ([^\*]|[\*][^/])* \* /"; %token MULTILINECOMMENT "/ \* ([^\*]|\*[^/])* \* /"; %token SINGLELINECOMMENT "\/ \/ (.*)"; %start CompilationUnit; %% TypeSpecifier : TypeName | TypeName Dims ; TypeName : PrimitiveType | QualifiedName %prec DOT ; ClassNameList : QualifiedName | ClassNameList COMMA QualifiedName ; PrimitiveType : BOOLEAN | CHAR | BYTE | SHORT | INT | LONG | FLOAT | DOUBLE | VOID ; SemiColons : SEMICOLON | SemiColons SEMICOLON ; CompilationUnit : ProgramFile ; ProgramFile : PackageStatement ImportStatements TypeDeclarations | PackageStatement ImportStatements | PackageStatement TypeDeclarations | ImportStatements TypeDeclarations | PackageStatement | ImportStatements | TypeDeclarations ; PackageStatement : PACKAGE QualifiedName SemiColons ; TypeDeclarations : TypeDeclarationOptSemi | TypeDeclarations TypeDeclarationOptSemi ; TypeDeclarationOptSemi : TypeDeclaration | TypeDeclaration SemiColons ; ImportStatements : ImportStatement | ImportStatements ImportStatement ; ImportStatement : IMPORT QualifiedName SemiColons | IMPORT QualifiedName DOT MULT SemiColons ; QualifiedName : IDENTIFIER | QualifiedName DOT IDENTIFIER ; TypeDeclaration : ClassHeader COPEN FieldDeclarations CCLOSE | ClassHeader COPEN CCLOSE | JAVADOC ClassHeader COPEN FieldDeclarations CCLOSE | JAVADOC ClassHeader COPEN CCLOSE ; ClassHeader : Modifiers ClassWord IDENTIFIER Extends Interfaces | Modifiers ClassWord IDENTIFIER Extends | Modifiers ClassWord IDENTIFIER Interfaces | ClassWord IDENTIFIER Extends Interfaces | Modifiers ClassWord IDENTIFIER | ClassWord IDENTIFIER Extends | ClassWord IDENTIFIER Interfaces | ClassWord IDENTIFIER ; Modifiers : Modifier | Modifiers Modifier ; Modifier : ABSTRACT | FINAL | PUBLIC | PROTECTED | PRIVATE | STATIC | TRANSIENT | VOLATILE | NATIVE | SYNCHRONIZED ; ClassWord : CLASS | INTERFACE ; Interfaces : IMPLEMENTS ClassNameList ; FieldDeclarations : FieldDeclarationOptSemi | FieldDeclarations FieldDeclarationOptSemi ; FieldDeclarationOptSemi : FieldDeclaration | FieldDeclaration SemiColons ; FieldDeclaration : FieldVariableDeclaration SEMICOLON | MethodDeclaration | ConstructorDeclaration | StaticInitializer | NonStaticInitializer | TypeDeclaration ; FieldVariableDeclaration : Modifiers TypeSpecifier VariableDeclarators | TypeSpecifier VariableDeclarators | JAVADOC Modifiers TypeSpecifier VariableDeclarators | JAVADOC TypeSpecifier VariableDeclarators ; VariableDeclarators : VariableDeclarator | VariableDeclarators COMMA VariableDeclarator ; VariableDeclarator : DeclaratorName | DeclaratorName EQ VariableInitializer ; VariableInitializer : Expression | COPEN CCLOSE | COPEN ArrayInitializers CCLOSE ; ArrayInitializers : VariableInitializer | ArrayInitializers COMMA VariableInitializer | ArrayInitializers COMMA ; MethodDeclaration : Modifiers TypeSpecifier MethodDeclarator Throws MethodBody | Modifiers TypeSpecifier MethodDeclarator MethodBody | TypeSpecifier MethodDeclarator Throws MethodBody | TypeSpecifier MethodDeclarator MethodBody | JAVADOC Modifiers TypeSpecifier MethodDeclarator Throws MethodBody | JAVADOC Modifiers TypeSpecifier MethodDeclarator MethodBody | JAVADOC TypeSpecifier MethodDeclarator Throws MethodBody | JAVADOC TypeSpecifier MethodDeclarator MethodBody ; MethodDeclarator : DeclaratorName DOPEN ParameterList DCLOSE | DeclaratorName DOPEN DCLOSE | MethodDeclarator OP_DIM ; ParameterList : Parameter | ParameterList COMMA Parameter ; Parameter : TypeSpecifier DeclaratorName | FINAL TypeSpecifier DeclaratorName ; DeclaratorName : IDENTIFIER | DeclaratorName OP_DIM ; Throws : THROWS ClassNameList ; MethodBody : Block | SEMICOLON ; ConstructorDeclaration : Modifiers ConstructorDeclarator Throws Block | Modifiers ConstructorDeclarator Block | ConstructorDeclarator Throws Block | ConstructorDeclarator Block | JAVADOC Modifiers ConstructorDeclarator Throws Block | JAVADOC Modifiers ConstructorDeclarator Block | JAVADOC ConstructorDeclarator Throws Block | JAVADOC ConstructorDeclarator Block ; ConstructorDeclarator : IDENTIFIER DOPEN ParameterList DCLOSE | IDENTIFIER DOPEN DCLOSE ; StaticInitializer : STATIC Block ; NonStaticInitializer : Block ; Extends : EXTENDS TypeName | Extends COMMA TypeName ; Block : COPEN LocalVariableDeclarationsAndStatements CCLOSE | COPEN CCLOSE ; LocalVariableDeclarationsAndStatements : LocalVariableDeclarationOrStatement | LocalVariableDeclarationsAndStatements LocalVariableDeclarationOrStatement ; LocalVariableDeclarationOrStatement : LocalVariableDeclarationStatement | Statement ; LocalVariableDeclarationStatement : TypeSpecifier VariableDeclarators SEMICOLON | FINAL TypeSpecifier VariableDeclarators SEMICOLON ; Statement : EmptyStatement | LabelStatement | ExpressionStatement SEMICOLON | SelectionStatement | IterationStatement | JumpStatement | GuardingStatement | Block ; EmptyStatement : SEMICOLON ; LabelStatement : IDENTIFIER COLON | CASE ConstantExpression COLON | DEFAULT COLON ; ExpressionStatement : Expression ; SelectionStatement : IF DOPEN Expression DCLOSE Statement %prec ELSE | IF DOPEN Expression DCLOSE Statement ELSE Statement %prec ELSE | SWITCH DOPEN Expression DCLOSE Block ; IterationStatement : WHILE DOPEN Expression DCLOSE Statement | DO Statement WHILE DOPEN Expression DCLOSE SEMICOLON | FOR DOPEN ForInit ForExpr ForIncr DCLOSE Statement | FOR DOPEN ForInit ForExpr DCLOSE Statement ; ForInit : ExpressionStatements SEMICOLON | LocalVariableDeclarationStatement | SEMICOLON ; ForExpr : Expression SEMICOLON | SEMICOLON ; ForIncr : ExpressionStatements ; ExpressionStatements : ExpressionStatement | ExpressionStatements COMMA ExpressionStatement ; JumpStatement : BREAK IDENTIFIER SEMICOLON | BREAK SEMICOLON | CONTINUE IDENTIFIER SEMICOLON | CONTINUE SEMICOLON | RETURN Expression SEMICOLON | RETURN SEMICOLON | THROW Expression SEMICOLON ; GuardingStatement : SYNCHRONIZED DOPEN Expression DCLOSE Statement | TRY Block Finally | TRY Block Catches | TRY Block Catches Finally ; Catches : Catch | Catches Catch ; Catch : CatchHeader Block ; CatchHeader : CATCH DOPEN TypeSpecifier IDENTIFIER DCLOSE | CATCH DOPEN TypeSpecifier DCLOSE ; Finally : FINALLY Block ; PrimaryExpression : QualifiedName | NotJustName ; NotJustName : SpecialName | NewAllocationExpression | ComplexPrimary ; ComplexPrimary : DOPEN Expression DCLOSE | ComplexPrimaryNoParenthesis ; ComplexPrimaryNoParenthesis : LITERAL | BOOLLIT | ArrayAccess | FieldAccess | MethodCall ; ArrayAccess : QualifiedName BOPEN Expression BCLOSE | ComplexPrimary BOPEN Expression BCLOSE ; FieldAccess : NotJustName DOT IDENTIFIER | RealPostfixExpression DOT IDENTIFIER | QualifiedName DOT THIS | QualifiedName DOT CLASS | PrimitiveType DOT CLASS ; MethodCall : MethodAccess DOPEN ArgumentList DCLOSE | MethodAccess DOPEN DCLOSE ; MethodAccess : ComplexPrimaryNoParenthesis | SpecialName | QualifiedName ; SpecialName : THIS | SUPER | NULL ; ArgumentList : Expression | ArgumentList COMMA Expression ; NewAllocationExpression : PlainNewAllocationExpression | QualifiedName DOT PlainNewAllocationExpression ; PlainNewAllocationExpression : ArrayAllocationExpression | ClassAllocationExpression | ArrayAllocationExpression COPEN CCLOSE | ClassAllocationExpression COPEN CCLOSE | ArrayAllocationExpression COPEN ArrayInitializers CCLOSE | ClassAllocationExpression COPEN FieldDeclarations CCLOSE ; ClassAllocationExpression : NEW TypeName DOPEN ArgumentList DCLOSE | NEW TypeName DOPEN DCLOSE ; ArrayAllocationExpression : NEW TypeName DimExprs Dims | NEW TypeName DimExprs | NEW TypeName Dims ; DimExprs : DimExpr | DimExprs DimExpr ; DimExpr : BOPEN Expression BCLOSE ; Dims : OP_DIM | Dims OP_DIM ; PostfixExpression : PrimaryExpression | RealPostfixExpression ; RealPostfixExpression : PostfixExpression OP_INC | PostfixExpression OP_DEC ; UnaryExpression : OP_INC UnaryExpression | OP_DEC UnaryExpression | ArithmeticUnaryOperator CastExpression | LogicalUnaryExpression ; LogicalUnaryExpression : PostfixExpression | LogicalUnaryOperator UnaryExpression ; LogicalUnaryOperator : TILDE | NOT ; ArithmeticUnaryOperator : PLUS | MINUS ; CastExpression : UnaryExpression | DOPEN PrimitiveTypeExpression DCLOSE CastExpression | DOPEN ClassTypeExpression DCLOSE CastExpression | DOPEN Expression DCLOSE LogicalUnaryExpression ; PrimitiveTypeExpression : PrimitiveType | PrimitiveType Dims ; ClassTypeExpression : QualifiedName Dims ; MultiplicativeExpression : CastExpression | MultiplicativeExpression MULT CastExpression | MultiplicativeExpression DIV CastExpression | MultiplicativeExpression MOD CastExpression ; AdditiveExpression : MultiplicativeExpression | AdditiveExpression PLUS MultiplicativeExpression | AdditiveExpression MINUS MultiplicativeExpression ; ShiftExpression : AdditiveExpression | ShiftExpression OP_SHL AdditiveExpression | ShiftExpression OP_SHR AdditiveExpression | ShiftExpression OP_SHRR AdditiveExpression ; RelationalExpression : ShiftExpression | RelationalExpression LT ShiftExpression | RelationalExpression GT ShiftExpression | RelationalExpression OP_LE ShiftExpression | RelationalExpression OP_GE ShiftExpression | RelationalExpression INSTANCEOF TypeSpecifier ; EqualityExpression : RelationalExpression | EqualityExpression OP_EQ RelationalExpression | EqualityExpression OP_NE RelationalExpression ; AndExpression : EqualityExpression | AndExpression AND EqualityExpression ; ExclusiveOrExpression : AndExpression | ExclusiveOrExpression XOR AndExpression ; InclusiveOrExpression : ExclusiveOrExpression | InclusiveOrExpression OR ExclusiveOrExpression ; ConditionalAndExpression : InclusiveOrExpression | ConditionalAndExpression OP_LAND InclusiveOrExpression ; ConditionalOrExpression : ConditionalAndExpression | ConditionalOrExpression OP_LOR ConditionalAndExpression ; ConditionalExpression : ConditionalOrExpression | ConditionalOrExpression QM Expression COLON ConditionalExpression ; AssignmentExpression : ConditionalExpression | UnaryExpression AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpression ; AssignmentOperator : EQ | ASS_OP ; Expression : AssignmentExpression ; ConstantExpression : ConditionalExpression ;