webdav Slide DAV Server org.apache.slide.webdav.WebdavServlet domain /WEB-INF/slide.xconf Path to the domain configuration file, relative to the path of the web application. The default is '/Domain.xml'. namespace cocoon Name of the Slide namespace that should be accessed by this servlet. If this parameter is provided, make sure the corresponding namespace is defined in the domain configuration file. Otherwise, the default namespace will be used, if one exists. scope Scope of the Slide namespace that should be exposed by this servlet. For example, if you want to expose only the /files collection via WebDAV, set this parameter to '/files'. In that case, any URLs of the form '/context-path/servlet-path/*' will be mapped to '/files/*' in the Slide namespace. The default value is an empty string. depth-limit 3 This init-parameter determines the depth limit for PROPFIND and other methods, to avoid performance hits on the server for requests with infinite depth. The default value is '3'. default-mime-type application/octet-stream The MIME type that should be used for resources of unknown type. For example, if a WebDAV client uploads a file (via PUT) without specifying the Content-Type header, the MIME type defined here will be used. The default value is 'application/octet-stream'. default-servlet false By default, the WebDAV servlet is mapped as default servlet of the web application context (the url-pattern in servlet-mapping is '/'). If you want to change that mapping so the servlet is no longer the default servlet, you must change this initialization parameter to indicate the situation to the servlet, by setting it to 'false'. The default value is 'true'. directory-browsing true Use the 'directory-browsing' init-parameter to turn off generation of HTML index pages that enable browsing of collections (by setting this parameter to 'false'), or to specify a web-app relative path to a template resource (a JSP page, for example) which should handle generation of the HTML index page. In the latter case, you can use a JSP page at WEB-INF/index.jsp by specifying '/WEB-INF/index.jsp' as value of this parameter. The default value is 'true'. directory-browsing-hide-acl true Use this parameter to hide ACL information in generated HTML index pages. (see parameter "directory-browsing") The default value is 'true'. directory-browsing-hide-locks true Use this parameter to hide locking information in generated HTML index pages. (see parameter "directory-browsing") The default value is 'true'. optimizePropfindOutput true If set to false, the PropFindMethod will first create a (large) JDOM document in memory and then write it to the response stream. If set true, the PropFindMethod will write results to the stream as soon as they are available. This will reduce memory consumption in the case of large responses (PROPFIND on many resources). The output of these two variants differ slightly, since in optimized mode the D:DAV namespace is declared in the multistatus element AND in all response elements. Since this is still a valid XML document it shouldn't be a problem, but in case you encounter any diffculties this switch provides a way to get around it. debug 0 extendedAllprop false According to RFC3253 (DeltaV), RFCxxxx (ACL) and RFCxxxx (Binding), a DAV:allprop PROPFIND should not return any of the properties defined in any of that documents. For testing purposes, the specified behaviour can be disabled by setting this parameter "true". lockdiscoveryIncludesPrincipalURL true As proposed on February 08, 2003 by Lisa Dusseault in w3c-dist-auth-request@w3.org, the DAV:lockdiscovery property should include an element DAV:principal-URL with the semantics of the WebDAV/ACL specification. This feature can be switched-off in case of interoperability problems.