Jakarta Slide Block Samples

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These samples examplify an administration application for Slide. The administration functionality is directly built on Slide's internal API. Showing the use of the Slide source and namespace access. A different approach would be to let all communication take place over WebDAV.

In order to configure WebDAV access for Slide you can uncomment the example servlet declaration and servlet-mapping in web.xml. You can then connect your favorite WebDAV client to http://localhost:8888/webdav/.

By default write privileges are only granted to authenticated users. This means that you would have to configure authentication in order to login and start editing files over WebDAV.
You can find more info on how to do this for both Jetty and Tomcat in the Slide documentation.
Alternatively you could grant the desired privileges to the unauthenticated user via the administration app.

In order to use the upload feature within these samples you will need to set enable-uploads parameter in web.xml to true.

Try root,root or john,john