sourcesnotavailable=\n Sources for some artifacts are not available.\n List of artifacts without a source archive: sourcesnotdownloaded=\n Sources for some artifacts are not available.\n Please run the same goal with the -DdownloadSources=true parameter in order to check remote repositories for sources.\n List of artifacts without a source archive: sourcesmissingitem=\n o {0} errorresolving=Error resolving {0} artifact. Artifact id: {1} (Message: {2}) artifactresolution=An error occurred during dependency resolution of the following artifact:\n {0}:{1}:{2}\nCaused by: {3} artifactdownload=An error occurred during dependency resolution.\n Failed to retrieve {0}:{1}-{2}\nCaused by: {3} cantcanonicalize=Can''t canonicalize system path: {0} unabletoparseversion={0}: unable to parse version ''{1}'' for dependency ''{2}'': {3}