Cocoon-Based Projects

A number of other projects use Cocoon as their underlying framework. This page lists some of them, although there are undoubtably more.

Apache Forrest

Apache Forrest is an XML standards-oriented documentation framework based upon Apache Cocoon, providing XSLT stylesheets and schemas, images and other resources. Forrest uses these to render the source content into a website via command-line, robot, or dynamic application.

Apache Lenya

Apache Lenya is an Open-Source Content Management and Publishing System written in 100% pure Java. It is based on open standards such as XML ( DOM, SAX) and XSLT. One of its core components is the pipeline processor Cocoon from the Apache Software Foundation.

FAQ Project

FAQ Project is a web-based, database driven that make use of JSP and XML and Cocoon.


sp.xsl generates simple websites with XSL.

WebEditor WCMS

WebEditor WCMS is a web application to manage the content of a news-based web site (you know Slashdot?). It's based on Apache Cocoon and Apache/ApacheJServ/Tomcat as Web Server/Servlet platform.

Chello - A minimal Cocoon 2 application

Chello is an Open Source minimal Cocoon 2 application. It features project compilation using ANT, unit testing with JUnit, functional testing with HTTPUnit, continuous integration process with CruiseControl, documentation generation for Java code using javadoc and XSL Stylesheets using XSLDoc, project documentation using Cocoon and automatic build of web archive file (WAR) for easy distribution.

Holometabolous - CMS, Profiling and App Suite

Holometabolous is a content management, profiling and application suite built on top of software from the Apache foundation, most especially Cocoon, with a database back end. The goal is to make the power of Java/SQL/XML easy to leverage 'out of the box.'


XMLLeague is a Sports (soccer) league administration system.

Buglet - XML Bugtracking System

Buglet is an xml-centric bug system implemented in Java as a servlet running on top of Cocoon/Tomcat. Supports e-mail and web based submission of bugs. Buglet offers a standardized form for the data associated with bugs.


xReporter is an Avalon/Cocoon-based database reporting application that makes use of XML report definitions to produce HTML, CSV, Excel and PDF reports available across a web interface.


CocoonGallery is a Cocoon based photogallery mainly written in XSLT. It makes it possible to publish images easily by just dropping them in a folder, thumbnails are generated on the fly.

How to get listed

If you do not find your project here, make sure you tell us. Enter a meaningful title after the words "Link: Project:" in the subject, provide a short summary of your project, and do not forget to tell us the URL. You could also follow the Contributing page to make it easier for everyone.