Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
@todo 2 @todo

Each tag is detailed below:


Number of occurrences found in the code: 2

org.apache.continuum.buildagent.build.execution.maven.m2.DefaultBuildAgentMavenBuilderHelper Line
[BP] this might not be required if there is a better way to pass them in. It doesn't feel quite right. 678
[JC] we should at least provide a mapping of protocol-to-proxy for the wagons, shouldn't we? 680


Number of occurrences found in the code: 16

org.apache.continuum.buildagent.action.CheckoutProjectAction Line
is it more appropriate to return this in the converted result so that it can be presented to the user? 92
this is not making it back into a result of any kind - log it at least. Same is probably the case for ScmException 122
do we want this here, or should it be to the logs? 143
what throwables do we really get here that we can cope with? 144
migrate to the SvnCommandLineUtils version (preferably properly encapsulated in the provider) 185
org.apache.continuum.buildagent.action.CleanWorkingDirectoryAction Line
this with a configuration option somewhere ? 56
org.apache.continuum.buildagent.action.UpdateWorkingDirectoryAction Line
this is not making it back into a result of any kind - log it at least. Same is probably the case for ScmException 107
author, etc. 209
revision? 216
migrate to the SvnCommandLineUtils version (preferably properly encapsulated in the provider) 226
org.apache.continuum.buildagent.build.execution.ContinuumAgentBuildExecutor Line
are these part of the builder interface, or a separate project/build definition interface? 43
org.apache.continuum.buildagent.build.execution.maven.m2.DefaultBuildAgentMavenBuilderHelper Line
This seems like code that is shared with DefaultMaven, so it should be moved to the project builder perhaps 113
catch all exceptions is bad 181
Remove this: scm url shouldn't be null there 259
org.apache.continuum.buildagent.build.execution.maven.m2.MavenTwoBuildExecutor Line
this is currently quite lame 147
org.apache.continuum.buildagent.taskqueue.PrepareBuildProjectsTask Line
Auto-generated method stub 52