What is Continuum?

Continuum is a continous integration server that will ensure the health of your code base.

For more information on what continous integration is there are lots of articles on the internet:

What are the features of Continuum?

Continuum has the following major features:

  • A easy to use web interface
  • A very easy way to add new projects, see the adding projects section page for more information
  • A XML-RPC interface for automation and remoting
  • Mail notification
Can I get involved?

The Apache Maven project welcomes anyone that wishes to contribute to do so by providing patches to the source code, participating in design discussions, or to help out on the users mailing list by answering questions.

Frequent contributors recognised by existing committers to the project may be asked if they would like to join the project.

For more information, please see How to Help.

Where do I get help with Continuum?

Help for Continuum can be obtained by subscribing and posting to the Continuum Users List.

You can also join us on IRC at irc.codehaus.org on #maven2. This is available both over IRC and HTTP for those behind firewalls (enter #maven in the Channel box).

Please remember that is is a preview release, so please be patient with features that are not yet implemented, and be prepared to do some research and to help out yourself wherever possible.