------ Change Log ------ Trygve Laugstøl Emmanuel Venisse ------ TUE September 20 2005 Change Log This page lists the most important and noteworthy changes. For the complete list of issues look in JIRA for the respective version. * Changes from 1.0 Alpha 3 to 1.0 Alpha 4 {{{http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10540&styleName=Html&version=11665}The complete change log}}. * Changes from 1.0 Alpha 2 to 1.0 Alpha 3 {{{http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10540&styleName=Html&version=10936}The complete change log}}. * Changes from 1.0 Alpha 1 to 1.0 Alpha 2 {{{http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&pid=10540&fixfor=10935}The complete change log}}. ** User changes * Asynchronous checkouts. Check outs from the source code repository will now happen in the background. This means that the project is first stored and then placed in the check out queue. All projects in the "checking out" state will be added to the queue upon startup. * A build result will only be added when a build actually is executed. In the Alpha 1 release there is a build per hour without any real content as the build wasn't executed. Now a build will only be created when the build is actually executed. * Builds can be forced. If some external resource has changed that Continuum won't detect you can force a build. This is useful in if the SCM server is up again or some snapshot has been updated) ~~* Read CruiseControl configuration files. ~~ ~~ Continuum can take a CC configuration and turn it into a set of Continuum ~~ projects. Look at the {{{cc-support.apt}CruiseControl Support}} page for ~~ more information. * Command line arguments per project. Each project can be configured with command line arguments. This makes it possible to fine tune each argument that's given to the build executor. * Recursivly add projects when reading Maven 2 metadata. Continuum will now read the <<<>>> element from the Maven 2 POMs and recursivley turn each Maven 2 project into a Continuum project. This is a very powerful feature as it makes it possible to add all the modules a entire project in a single operation. ** Technical Changes These changes are more of a technical nature and mainly aimed at developers wanting to understand the inner workings of Continuum. * Build signaled state removed. In the Alpha 1 release when a project was enqueued for building it would go into the "build signaled" state and would then stay there until the build was executed. This proved to be unnecessarily complex because it required a build to exist to keep the state of the build. Instead the state was removed and each project was put on a build queue instead. When the build controller gets the build task from the queue it will update the source code checked out and look for any changes. If there weren't any changes the build execution is stopped and the controller goes back to reading from the queue for more builds to execute. Next the controller will read the project metadata and store any updated information. Now, if the project is either new, any files were updated or the build is forced the build controller will create a build object and start the exection of the build. * Split up project building and execution, <<>> renamed to <<>>, <<>> added. In Alpha 1 the <<>> object had responsibility for both the execution of a build (calling <<>>, <<>> etc) and the creation of the <<>> from an URL (where the URL was a pointer to a <<>> or <<>>). In Alpha 2 these two resposibilities have been split up into two components, namely: * <<>>: this component will do the actual build execution. * <<>>: this component will build a set of <<>>. This is also a change from Alpha 1 where the builder would return a single project while now it's a set of projects.