------ Welcome to Continuum ------ Trygve Laugstøl Emmanuel Venisse ------ Tue September 20 2005 Welcome to Continuum Continuum is a continous integration server for building Java based projects. It supports a wide range of projects: * {{{http://maven.apache.org}Maven 1}} * {{{http://maven.apache.org/maven2}Maven 2}} * {{{http://ant.apache.org}Ant}} * Shell scripts * Latest news * <> - The fourth release of Continuum is available. This release contains both new features and bug fixes. A document describing the main changes is available {{{change-log.html}here}}. See the {{{download.html}download}} page for instructions on how to download the release. * <> - The third release of Continuum is available. This release contains both new features and bug fixes. A document describing the main changes is available {{{change-log.html}here}}. See the {{{download.html}download}} page for instructions on how to download the release. * <> - The second release of Continuum is available. This release contains both new features and bug fixes. A document describing the main changes is available {{{change-log.html}here}}. See the {{{download.html}download}} page for instructions on how to download the release. * <> - The first release of Continuum is now available. This is a technology preview version with the version "1.0 Alpha 1". This release offers users both an advance look at what's in Continuum 1.0 and a head start in helping to shape the final Continuum release (currently slated for early August). * About Continuum * {{{about.html#what-is-continuum}What is Continuum?}} * {{{about.html#features}What are the features of Continuum?}} * {{{about.html#get-involved}Can I get involved?}} * {{{about.html#get-help}Where do I get help with Continuum?}}