continuum Continuum Continuum's object model. package org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project ProjectGroup 1.0.0+ id 1.0.0+ int true groupId 1.0.0+ String name 1.0.0+ String description 1.0.0+ String projects 1.0.0+ Project * notifiers 1.0.0+ ProjectNotifier * buildDefinitions 1.0.0+ BuildDefinition * Project 1.0.0+ id true true 1.0.0+ int groupId 1.0.0+ String artifactId 1.0.0+ String executorId 1.0.0 String name 1.0.0+ String description 1.0.0+ String url 1.0.0+ String scmUrl 1.0.0+ String version 1.0.0+ String state 1.0.0+ int 1 latestBuildId 1.0.0 int buildNumber 1.0.0+ int workingDirectory 1.0.0+ String buildResults 1.0.0+ BuildResult * checkoutResult 1.0.0+ ScmResult developers 1.0.0+ ProjectDeveloper * dependencies 1.0.0+ ProjectDependency * projectGroup 1.0.0+ true ProjectGroup notifiers 1.0.0+ ProjectNotifier * buildDefinitions 1.0.0+ BuildDefinition * ProjectNotifier 1.0.0+ Configures one method for notifying users/developers when a build breaks. id true true 1.0.0+ int type 1.0.0+ mail String The mechanism used to deliver notifications. from 1.0.0+ int The origin of the notifier (pom or user). enabled 1.0.0+ true boolean recipientType 1.0.0+ int sendOnSuccess 1.0.0+ boolean true sendOnFailure 1.0.0+ boolean true sendOnError 1.0.0+ boolean true sendOnWarning 1.0.0+ boolean true configuration 1.0.0+ Extended configuration specific to this notifier goes here. Map String * 1.0.0+ ProjectDeveloper 1.0.0+ scmId 1.0.0+ String name 1.0.0+ String email 1.0.0+ String continuumId 1.0.0+ int ProjectDependency 1.0.0+ groupId 1.0.0+ String artifactId 1.0.0+ String version 1.0.0+ String BuildResult 1.0.0+ project 1.0.0+ Project id 1.0.0+ int true buildNumber 1.0.0+ int state 1.0.0+ int trigger 1.0.0+ int startTime 1.0.0+ long endTime 1.0.0+ long error 1.0.0+ String success 1.0.0+ boolean exitCode 1.0.0+ int scmResult 1.0.0+ ScmResult ScmResult org.apache.maven.continuum.model.scm 1.0.0+ success 1.0.0+ boolean commandLine 1.0.0+ String providerMessage 1.0.0+ String commandOutput 1.0.0+ String exception 1.0.0+ String changes 1.0.0+ ChangeSet * ChangeSet org.apache.maven.continuum.model.scm 1.0.0+ author 1.0.0+ String comment 1.0.0+ String date 1.0.0+ long files 1.0.0+ ChangeFile * ChangeFile org.apache.maven.continuum.model.scm 1.0.0+ name 1.0.0+ String revision 1.0.0+ String BuildDefinition 1.0.0+ id true true 1.0.0+ int goals 1.0.0+ String arguments 1.0.0+ String buildFile 1.0.0+ String schedule 1.0.0+ Schedule profile 1.0.0+ Profile Schedule 1.0.0+ id true 1.0.0+ int active 1.0.0+ boolean name 1.0.0+ String description 1.0.0+ String delay 1.0.0+ int cronExpression 1.0.0+ String Profile 1.0.0+ id true 1.0.0+ int active 1.0.0+ boolean name 1.0.0+ String description 1.0.0+ String scmMode 1.0.0+ int buildWithoutChanges 1.0.0+ boolean jdk 1.0.0+ Installation builder 1.0.0+ Installation Installation org.apache.maven.continuum.model.system 1.0.0+ version 1.0.0+ String path 1.0.0+ String name 1.0.0+ String SystemConfiguration org.apache.maven.continuum.model.system 1.0.0+ guestAccountEnabled 1.0.0+ boolean true defaultScheduleDescription 1.0.0+ String Run hourly defaultScheduleCronExpression 1.0.0+ String 0 0 * * * ? workingDirectory 1.0.0+ String buildOutputDirectory 1.0.0+ String baseUrl 1.0.0+ String companyName 1.0.0+ String companyLogoUrl 1.0.0+ String companyUrl 1.0.0+ String initialized 1.0.0+ boolean false UserGroup org.apache.maven.continuum.model.system 1.0.0+ id true 1.0.0+ int name 1.0.0+ String description 1.0.0+ String permissions 1.0.0+ Permission * ContinuumUser org.apache.maven.continuum.model.system 1.0.0+ accountId 1.0.0+ int true username 1.0.0+ String guest 1.0.0+ boolean false hashedPassword 1.0.0+ String fullName 1.0.0+ String email 1.0.0+ String group 1.0.0+ UserGroup notificationAddresses 1.0.0+ NotificationAddress * 1.0.0+ Permission org.apache.maven.continuum.model.system 1.0.0+ id true 1.0.0+ int name 1.0.0+ String description 1.0.0+ String NotificationAddress 1.0.0+ org.apache.maven.continuum.model.system Configures one method for notifying users/developers when a build breaks. type 1.0.0+ mail String The mechanism used to deliver notifications. address 1.0.0+ String configuration 1.0.0+ Extended configuration specific to this notifier goes here. Map String *