// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Form: Login // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- login.title = Login login.username.label = Login login.username.message = Please enter your username login.username.error = Field is invalid login.password.label = Password login.password.message = Please enter your password login.password.error = Field is invalid // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Summary // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- title.key = Continuum Projects project.type.label = Type project.state.label = Status // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Form // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- project.title = Continuum Project project.title.update = Update Continuum Project project.title.delete = Delete Continuum Project project.name.label = Project Name project.name.error = You must provide a project name project.name.message = Enter the project name project.scm.label = Scm project.scm.error = You must select an SCM project.scm.message = Select an SCM projectScmUrl.label = Scm Url projectScmUrl.error = You must provide an scm url projectScmUrl.message = Enter the Maven SCM URL projectScmUsername.label = Scm Username projectScmUsername.message = Enter the scm username projectScmPassword.label = Scm Password projectScmPassword.message = Enter the scm password projectScmTag.label = Scm Branch/Tag projectScmTag.message = Enter the scm branch/tag name ( For subversion, tag name must be in scm URL and not in this field ) project.version.label = Version project.version.error = You must provide a version project.version.message = Enter the version of the project project.group.label = Group project.notifiers.label = Notifiers project.buildDefinitions.label = Build Definitions project.dependencies.label = Dependencies project.usedBy.label = Used By project.developers.label = Developers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Delete // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- delete.confirmation.message = Are you sure you want to delete this project? // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Maven 1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- m1PomUrl.label = M1 POM Url m1PomUrl.message = Enter the URL to the Maven 1 POM m1PomUrl.error = You must enter a valid URL (http, https, ftp and file protocols are allowed) m1PomFile.label = Upload POM m1PomFile.message = Enter the local filename of the Maven 1 POM to upload m1PomFile.error = You must enter a valid URL (http, https, ftp and file protocols are allowed) project.title.m1.add = Add Maven 1.x Project project.goals.label = Goals project.goals.message = Enter the goals to execute (default: jar:install) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Maven 2 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- m2PomUrl.label = M2 POM Url m2PomUrl.message = Enter the URL to the Maven 2 POM m2PomUrl.error = You must enter a valid URL (http, https, ftp and file protocols are allowed) m2PomFile.label = Upload POM m2PomFile.message = Enter the local filename of the Maven 2 POM to upload (works only for a single project without modules). m2PomFile.error = You must enter a valid URL (http, https, ftp and file protocols are allowed) project.title.m2.add = Add Maven 2.0+ Project project.phase.label = Phase/Goals project.phase.message = Enter the phase or goals to execute (default: install) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Shell project // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- project.title.shell.add = Add Shell Project project.arguments.label = Arguments project.arguments.message = Enter shell script arguments, if any project.arguments.error = project.executable.safepath.error = Executable must be in the path, or must be in the working directory // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Ant Project // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- project.title.ant.add = Add Ant Project project.targets.label = Targets project.targets.error = You must provide at least one target project.targets.message = Enter one or more targets (e.g. build,test) project.executable.label = Executable project.executable.error = You must provide the path to the ant executable project.executable.message = Enter the path to the executable project.nagEmailAddress.label = Nag email project.nagEmailAddress.error = You must provide a nag email address project.nagEmailAddress.message = Enter a notifaction email address // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // General errors // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- empty.error = This field is required url.error = You must provide a valid url (http, https, ftp and file protocols are allowed) urlSource.error = The URL you provided doesn't exist // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // General messages // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- message.or = OR message.note = Note: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Exceptions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- continuumError = Continuum Error // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Build Definition // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- project.title.buildDefinition.add = Add Build Definition project.title.buildDefinition.update = Edit Build Definition buildDefinition.buildFile.label = POM filename buildDefinition.buildFile.message = Relative path of the POM file buildDefinition.antBuildXmlFile.label = Ant build filename buildDefinition.antBuildXmlFile.message = Relative path of the ant build file buildDefinition.shellExecutableFile.label = Shell executable buildDefinition.shellExecutableFile.message = The shell executable (relative path or executable if it's in PATH like mvn, make...) buildDefinition.goals.label = Goals buildDefinition.goals.message = Enter one or more goals - leave empty to use the default buildDefinition.targets.label = Targets buildDefinition.targets.message = Enter one or more targets - leave empty to use the default buildDefinition.arguments.label = Arguments buildDefinition.arguments.message = Enter one or more command line arguments buildDefinition.default.label = Is it default? buildDefinition.default.message = Check it if it's the default build definition for this project. The default build definition will be use when you'll force a build in summary page. buildDefinition.schedule.label = Schedule buildDefinition.delete.confirmation.message = Are you sure you want to delete this build definition? // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Notification // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- notification.delete.confirmation.message = Are you sure you want to delete this notifier? notifier.sendOnSuccess.label = Send on Success notifier.sendOnSuccess.message = Check it if you want to receive success messages notifier.sendOnFailure.label = Send on Failure notifier.sendOnFailure.message = Check it if you want to receive failure messages notifier.sendOnError.label = Send on Error notifier.sendOnError.message = Check it if you want to receive error messages notifier.sendOnWarning.label = Send on Warning notifier.sendOnWarning.message = Check it if you want to receive warning messages // Mail mailNotificationTitle = Mail Notification mail.address.label = Mail Recipient address mail.address.message = Enter the recipient address // IRC ircNotificationTitle = IRC Notification irc.host.label = IRC Host irc.host.error = You must enter a host. irc.host.message = Enter the IRC host i.e. irc.codehaus.org irc.port.label = IRC Port irc.port.error = You must enter a port number irc.port.message = Enter the IRC port i.e. 6667 irc.channel.label = IRC Channel irc.channel.error = You must enter an IRC channel irc.channel.message = Enter an IRC channel i.e. #maven irc.nick.label = Nick Name irc.nick.message = Enter a nick name irc.fullName.label = Full Name irc.fullName.message = Enter the full name of user irc.password.label = Password irc.password.message = Enter a password // Jabber jabberNotificationTitle = Jabber Notification jabber.host.label = Jabber Host jabber.host.message = Enter the Jabber host jabber.port.label = Jabber Port jabber.port.message = Enter the Jabber port jabber.login.label = Jabber Login jabber.login.message = Enter your login jabber.address.label = Jabber Recipient address jabber.address.message = Enter the recipient address jabber.password.label = Jabber Password jabber.password.message = Enter your password jabber.domainName.label = Jabber Domain Name jabber.domainName.message = Enter the domain name jabber.sslConnection.label = Is it a SSL connection? jabber.sslConnection.message = Check it if Continuum must use a SSL connection jabber.isGroup.label = Is it a Jabber group? jabber.isGroup.message = Check it if it's a Jabber group // MSN msnNotificationTitle = MSN Notification msn.login.label = MSN Login msn.login.message = Enter your login msn.address.label = MSN Recipient address msn.address.message = Enter the recipient address msn.password.label = MSN Password msn.password.message = Enter your password // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Schedules // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- schedule.addTitle = Add Schedule schedule.updateTitle = Edit Schedule schedule.deleteTitle = Delete Schedule schedule.deleteConfirmationMessage = Are you sure you want to delete this schedule? schedule.name.label = Name schedule.name.message = Enter the name of the schedule schedule.name.error = You must enter a name for the schedule schedule.description.label = Description schedule.description.message = Enter a description of the schedule schedule.description.error = You must enter a description for the schedule schedule.cronExpression.label = Cron Expression schedule.cronExpression.message = Enter the cron expression. Format is described there : Syntax schedule.cronExpression.error = You must enter a valid cron expression schedule.quietPeriod.label = Quiet Period (seconds) schedule.quietPeriod.message = Enter a quiet period period for this schedule schedule.quietPeriod.error = You must enter a quiet period for the schedule schedule.active.label = Enabled schedule.active.message = Enable/Disable the schedule schedule.delete.confirmation.message = Are you sure you want to delete this schedule? // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // User Groups // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- group.addTitle = Add User Group group.updateTitle = Edit User Group group.deleteTitle = Delete User Group group.deleteConfirmationMessage = Are you sure you want to delete this user group? group.management.label = Group Management group.name.label = Group Name group.name.message = Enter the name of the user group group.name.error = You must enter a name for the user group group.description.label = Description group.description.message = Enter a description of the user group group.description.error = You must enter a description for the user group group.permission.addProject.label = Add Projects group.permission.addProject.message = Check it if user can add Projects group.permission.editProject.label = Edit Projects group.permission.editProject.message = Check it if user can edit Projects group.permission.deleteProject.label = Delete Projects group.permission.deleteProject.message = Check it if user can delete Projects group.permission.buildProject.label = Build Projects group.permission.buildProject.message = Check it if user can build Projects group.permission.showProject.label = Show Projects group.permission.showProject.message = Check it if user can show Projects group.permission.addBuildDefinition.label = Add Build Definitions group.permission.addBuildDefinition.message = Check it if user can add Build Definitions group.permission.editBuildDefinition.label = Edit Build Definitions group.permission.editBuildDefinition.message = Check it if user can edit Build Definitions group.permission.deleteBuildDefinition.label = Delete Build Definitions group.permission.deleteBuildDefinition.message = Check it if user can delete Build Definitions group.permission.addNotifier.label = Add Notifiers group.permission.addNotifier.message = Check it if user can add Notifiers group.permission.editNotifier.label = Edit Notifiers group.permission.editNotifier.message = Check it if user can edit Notifiers group.permission.deleteNotifier.label = Delete Notifiers group.permission.deleteNotifier.message = Check it if user can delete Notifiers group.permission.manageConfiguration.label = Manage Continuum Configuration group.permission.manageConfiguration.message = Check it if user can manage Continuum Configuration group.permission.manageSchedule.label = Manage Schedules group.permission.manageSchedule.message = Check it if user can manage Schedules group.permission.manageUsers.label = Manage Users/Group group.permission.manageUsers.message = Check it if user can manage Users/Group // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // User // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- user.addTitle = Add User user.updateTitle = Edit User user.deleteTitle = Delete User user.deleteConfirmationMessage = Are you sure you want to delete this user? user.group.label = Group Name user.username.label = Username user.username.message = The user login user.username.error = Username is required user.fullName.label = Full Name user.fullName.message = The full user name user.fullName.error = Full Name is required user.password.label = Password user.password.message = The user password user.password.error = Password is required user.passwordNew.label = Re-enter Password user.passwordNew.message = The user password user.passwordNew.error = Password is required user.email.label = Email user.email.message = The user email user.email.error = Email is required user.groupName.label = Group Name user.groupName.message = The user group