------ Continuum :: Build Environment ------ Olivier Lamy ------ Oct 17 2007 ------ Build Environment ~~%{toc|section=0} * Goal The main goal is to compile/test sources against the targeted jvm, mvn/maven version, ant version and to add defined envvar (MAVEN_OPTS, ANT_OPTS ...). This is now possible at the build definition level (in 1.1). * Setup Build Environments/Installations ** {Creating a Build Environment} From the menu, choose the 'Build Environments' entry [../images/buildenv-menu.png] Build Environment Menu Enter a name [../images/buildenv-add.png] Add Build Environment ** {Attach JDK to a Build Environment} The list box contains all available installations (jdk, mvn etc..). The installation's type is automatically recognized. In the modification mode of a build environment, adding an already attached type will override the existing one. [../images/buildenv-setup-jdk.png] Add JDK to Build Environment ** {Link Build Environment to Build Definition} The list box contains all availables installations (jdk, mvn etc..). The installation's type is automatically recognized. In the modification mode of a build environment, adding an already attached type will override the existing one. [../images/buildenv-in-builddef.png] Setup Build Environment ** {Installations used in Notification mail} The notification mail contains the following informations : * Java Home version : coming from $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version. * Builder version : coming from builder used version arg (mvn used -v, ant use -version). [] +-------------------------------+ Java Home version : java version "1.4.2_06" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_06-b03) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_06-b03, mixed mode) Builder version : Maven version: 2.0.5 +-------------------------------+