continuum-view-models ContinuumViewModels package org.apache.maven.continuum.web.model ContinuumViewModels 1.0.0 projectSummarys 1.0.0 true ProjectSummary * groupSummarys 1.0.0 true GroupSummary * buildDefinitionSummarys 1.0.0 true BuildDefinitionSummary * notifierSummarys 1.0.0 false NotifierSummary * ProjectSummary 1.0.0 id 1.0.0 true project id of the project int -1 name 1.0.0 true name of the project String version 1.0.0 true version of the project String projectGroupId 1.0.0 true id of the project group this project is a member of int -1 projectGroupName 1.0.0 true name of the project group this project is a member of String latestBuildId 1.0.0 true latest build id of the project int -1 buildInSuccessId 1.0.0 true int -1 buildNumber 1.0.0 true int -1 state 1.0.0 true lifecycle state of the project int -1 inBuildingQueue 1.0.0 true true/false depending on if the project is in the build queue or not boolean false inCheckoutQueue 1.0.0 true true/false depending on if the project is in the checkout queue or not boolean false lastBuildDateTime 1.0.0 true last build dateTime of the project long lastBuildDuration 1.0.0 true last build duration of the project String projectType 1.0.0 true type of the project String GroupSummary 1.0.0 id 1.0.0 true internal continuum group id int -1 name 1.0.0 true name of the project group String groupId 1.0.0 false maven groupId of the project group String description 1.0.0 false description of the project group String numProjects 1.0.0 true the number of projects in the project group int projectType 1.0.0 true the type of project, maven2/maven1/ant/shell String statusMessage 1.0.0 false a status message like, (building project X) String nextScheduledBuild 1.0.0 false timestamp for the next scheduled build String projects 1.0.0 true ProjectSummary * numSuccesses 1.0.0 true number of successful builds in the project group int -1 numFailures 1.0.0 true number of failed builds in the project group int -1 numErrors 1.0.0 true number of errored builds in the project group int -1 repositoryId 1.0.0 false local repository id of the project group int -1 repositoryName 1.0.0 false local repository name of the project group String BuildDefinitionSummary 1.0.0+ id 1.0.0 true id of the build definition int projectId 1.0.0 false project id of the project containing the build definition int projectGroupId 1.0.0 false project group id of the project group with the build definition int goals 1.0.0 true goals for build definition String arguments 1.0.0 true arguments for build definition String buildFile 1.0.0 true goals for build definition String isBuildFresh 1.0.0 if the build is to be smoked and checked back out from the scm each build boolean isDefault 1.0.0 if the build definition is used in default cases boolean scheduleId 1.0.0 true id of the schedule for build definition int scheduleName 1.0.0 true name of the schedule for build definition String from 1.0.0 true source of build definition, project or project group lvl String profileName 1.0.0 true name of the profile for the build definition String projectName 1.0.0 true if project lvl, then the name of the project using the definition String profileId 1.0.0 true id of the profile for build definition int description 1.0.0 String description of the buid defintion type 1.0.0 String type of the buid defintion alwaysBuild 1.0.0 boolean false true if the build had to be forced even if there is no scm change NotifierSummary 1.0.0+ id 1.0.0 true id of the notifier int projectId 1.0.0 false project id of the project containing the notifier int projectName 1.0.0 false project name of the project containing the notifier String projectGroupId 1.0.0 false project group id of the project group with the notifier int type 1.0.0 true Type of notifier - mail, IRC, jabber etc. String fromProject 1.0.0 true The origin of the notifier (pom or user). boolean events 1.0.0 false Events that trigger this notifier String recipient 1.0.0 false Recipient for notifications generated by the notifier String sender 1.0.0 false Sender of the notifications String enabled 1.0.0 true Determines if the notifier is enabled boolean