--------- FindBugs Bug Detector Reports --------- FindBugs Bug Detector Reports Want to help find and fix bugs in Continuum? A FindBugs report is available for each module in the Continuum build. Visit the links below to view the reports. For infomation on interpreting the results, visit the {{{http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/}FindBugs project website}}. You can also install FindBugs and launch the GUI with <<>>. FindBugs project files are currently available in the -core and -release modules as well as at the top level for a consolidated view. You must run 'mvn pacakge' prior to launching the FindBugs GUI, so that the jar will be present in the target directory. +------+ cd /path/to/continuum-all/continuum/continuum-core mvn package findbugs -project continuum-core.fbp +------+ (A future version of the FindBugs Maven plugin should have the ability to launch the GUI from any module with <<>>.) * FindBugs Reports * {{{continuum-core/findbugs.html}Continuum Core}} * {{{continuum-release/findbugs.html}Continuum Release}} * ...