------ Summary of Continuum 1.x documentation ------ Jason van Zyl ------ 12 October 2005 ------ Documentation * Getting Started Guide * {{{getting-started/index.html}Getting Started Guide}} * Mini Guides * {{{mini/guide-configuration.html}Guide to Configuring Continuum}} * {{{mini/guide-linux-boot.html}Guide to Configuring Continuum to start automatically on Linux}} * {{{mini/guide-osx-boot.html}Guide to Configuring Continuum to start automatically on OS X}} * {{{mini/guide-xmlrpc-api.html}Guide to using the XML-RPC API with Continuum 1.0.3}} * {{{mini/guide-build-profile.html}Guide to configuring build profiles with Continuum 1.1}} * {{{mini/guide-data-management.html}Guide to use data management tool with Continuum 1.1}} * Introductory Material * Development Guides * {{{development/guide-build-continuum.html}Guide to Building Continuum}}