------ Netbeans IDE integration ------ Milos Kleint ------ January 05 2006 Netbeans IDE Integration for Continuum 1.0.3 Continuum integration servers can be accessed through XML-RPC directly from Netbeans IDE. {{{http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MEVENIDE/MevenideNetbeans2.0} The Netbeans IDE Continuum client}} is part of the Mevenide integration. In the first alpha version the features are: * A configurable list of Continuum servers * Shows a list of projects on the server, along with state and details about the project * User can trigger a rebuild of the project Features planned for future versions: * Add projects to Continuum directly from the IDE * Notifications about broken builds in Netbeans * .. Suggest more at Continuum or Mevenide bug tracking system.