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Apache Curator Releases


The current release can be downloaded using these links.

Older releases are available from the archive.

You can verify the integrity of a downloaded release using the PGP signatures and hashes hosted at the main Apache distribution site. For additional information, refer to the Apache documentation for verifying the integrity of Apache project releases. The binary artifacts for Curator are available from Maven Central and its mirrors.

Current Release

  • Current Release: apache-curator-${currentStableVersion}|${currentStableVersion}/apache-curator-${currentStableVersion}
  • PGP: apache-curator-${currentStableVersion}|${currentStableVersion}/apache-curator-${currentStableVersion}
  • SHA-512: apache-curator-${currentStableVersion}|${currentStableVersion}/apache-curator-${currentStableVersion}
  • Keys: KEYS

All Releases / History

See Curator's Release Wiki for a detailed historical list of releases.