2015/07/20 - Apache Deltacloud has been retired.

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Cloud provider credentials

Cloud Driver Username Password Notes
mock mock mockuser mockpassword The mock driver doesn't talk to any cloud; it just pretends to be a cloud.
Amazon EC2/S3 ec2 Access Key ID Secret Access Key This information can be found on the Security Credentials page in your AWS account.
Eucalyptus eucalyptus Access Key ID Secret Access Key
GoGrid gogrid API Key Shared Secret Go to My Account > API Keys for your account and click on the key you want to use to find the shared secret.
IBM SmartCloud sbc Username Password
Microsoft Azure (Storage Account only) azure Public Storage Account Name Primary Access Key The Storage Account Name is chosen when you create the service (e.g. name in http://name.blob.core.windows.net/). This and the access key are available from the service control panel.
OpenNebula opennebula OpenNebula user OpenNebula password Set the environment variable OCCI_URL to the address on which OpenNebula's OCCI server is listening.
Rackspace Cloud Servers/Cloud Files rackspace Rackspace user name API Key Obtain the key from the API Access page in your control panel.
RHEV-M rhevm RHEV-M user name plus Windows domain, e.g., admin@rhevm.example.com RHEV-M password Set environment variable API_PROVIDER to the URL of the RHEV-M REST API endpoint.
Rimuhosting rimuhosting not used (?) API Key
Terremark terremark Username Password
VMware vSphere vsphere vSphere user vSphere user password Set environment variable API_PROVIDER to the hostname of the vSphere server.
OpenStack openstack OpenStack user OpenStack user password Set environment variable API_PROVIDER to the URL of OpenStack API entrypoint.