Forrestbot Web Interface ------------------------ This webapp implements a website staging application for sites built with Apache Forrest. The webapp hosts HTML for a number of managed websites. The user can regenerate these sites at will. Once the user is satisfied with the site, they may 'deploy' the site, making it live. Build ----- To build the webapp from source, you need maven installed. From a command prompt, enter this directory and execute "maven war". Installation ------------ * Extract the war to a temporary directory * Modify welcome.local.html * Modify osuser.xml if you want to use an authenticator other than XML files * Modify projects.xml, groups.xml, and users.xml according to your needs * Modify according to the server's specific setup * Repackage the war file * Deploy the war file in Tomcat or some other servlet container FAQ --------------- 1. The build and/or deploy commands don't seem to work Currently forrestbot only logs the forrest part of it's execution, not the whole thing. And the web interface starts a forrestbot process and doesn't watch it's progress directly. So look at the debugging output for the command executed and the working directory used. Log into the server using the login of the Tomcat server and cd to the working directory and then execute the command. This will fairly accurately simulate what the web interface does. Also, set debug-exec=true in and make sure logs DEBUG. This will log all the thread output. 2. Can I do anything with this besides just running forrest? Sure. Create a wrapper script and specify it as forrest-exec in Here's an example: #!/bin/bash # remove env values set from container PATH=/usr/bin CLASSPATH= # get env vars . /home/user/.profile # group writable for easier sharing of files with others who run forrestbot umask g+w # you can preprocess something xmlfile=$2 if [ "${xmlfile##*.}" = "xml" ] # everything after last . then target=$3 if [ "$target" != "deploy" ] # don't run snap on a deploy then projectTarget=${xmlfile%.*} # everything before last . # do something special for $projectTarget fi else echo "Syntax: -f myapp.xml [build|deploy|...]" exit fi # run forrest forrest $* # you can postprocess something