Location Resolution ----------------------- These are notes from a discussion on using URN-type names instead of filenames for locationmap resolution. This is a summary of the the relevant pieces of the IRC discussion below. As a part of the making deeper use of Locationmaps in the core Sitemaps with a goal of letting locationmaps do all location resolution and letting sitemaps stick to the pipeline processing. For those that are familiar with name resolution servers or the Handles Service, it might be easier to think of the locationmap as a name resolution module or sort of a handle resolution module in that it accepts "names" or whatever you desire to call these "hints" and returns the location. The thought is that by using file name "looking" hints it disguises what locationmaps are really doing for us. By using URN-style names, we are truly disassociating the name/hint form the physical location. For example, here is a locationmap entry based purely on filename: and now below is that same entry using a "name" style. One implies a certain physical location where as the one below is truly a name that needs to be resolved to a physical location. The format is essentially: resource-type(dot)transform-type(dot)from-format(dot)to-format resource-type(dot)type(dot)name Examples of these two: transform.xslt.xthml2.html graphic.png.project-logo twilliams_ i've been thinking lately about using URN's for locationmap resolution to totally separate the physicall locations. I realize you're wanting to get stuff done but maybe just think about it * rgardler has quit (Remote closed the connection) * rgardler (n=rgardler@ip-213-92-134-135.aramiska-arc.aramiska.net) has joined #for-s twilliams_ was wondering if you broke it and took the rest of the night of;) rgardler No, it was the wireless going down again, so I took a wlk to the sea. Bacl for another hour (I only paid for wireless until midnight GMT) rgardler So, you've been thinking of URN's for locationmap resolving - tell me more twilliams_ did your latest commit's work on your machine? rgardler Yes (I think ;-) twilliams_ for some sources, it's necessary to pass the path as matched in; for others like the ones we'll find ourselves doing more of in the near future will be for named "things" rgardler OK twilliams_ i'm just thinking it' look cleaner if the named things weren't {lm:mystylesheet.xsl} but were a standard scheme of some sort rgardler Sounds good... twilliams_ true urns won't work I think because of the ":" rgardler (about the plugin - I have broken the index.xml page because it is not an XHTML2 page, but the sample works) rgardler I'm listening regarding the URNs idea... twilliams_ but we could do "." instead (e.g. {lm:graphic.project.logo} or something twilliams_ okay, i was only trying the index page twilliams_ i didn't see .xml on the lm matches though twilliams_ e.g. rgardler It's there (straight after the comment twilliams_ I've got: (no .xml) am i missing something? twilliams_ the xml isn't included in {0} rgardler {0} means all of the pattern (i.e. including the .xml) twilliams_ ok i goofed locally twilliams_ essentially, instead of having a bunch of filenames in {lm:}'s it'd be some named resources. Stylesheets aren't so clean though rgardler I just turned the index page into an XHTML page so it works as well now (svn up) rgardler So, tell me more about the URN idea rgardler What advantage does it give us over a defined URL space? twilliams_ looks better and not associated with a physical location (ie filename) twilliams_ may be cosmetic i suppose but it makes sense that we're going through the work of separating locations from pipeline processing might as well take it one step further rgardler Ok, I don't see it as a filename, rather a hint twilliams_ stylesheets don't fit very well obviously rgardler however, I agree it *looks* like a filename twilliams_ technically it is a hint twilliams_ but, when a user sees xthml2html.xsl -- they don't think hint rgardler so lets make it *not* look like a filename twilliams_ that's essentially what i'm saying rgardler :-) Damned IRC - we have the same thoughts but can't communicate them fast enough rgardler So, what would you suggest in place of xhtml2html.xl? twilliams_ not sure, stylesheets present the problem because it's not a simple name, we're conveying a lot of meaning in there rgardler I would be tempted to do something like twilliams_ transform.xhtml2.html would work if documented that the syntax was resource-type(dot)from-format(dot)to-format twilliams_ where resource-type could be: transform, style, graphic, etc. rgardler Looks good (close to what I was going to suggest)... rgardler The problem I see is that it does not indicate what type of transformer it is... rgardler i.e. XSLT, chaperon etc... rgardler We could add a "tranformation type" in there? twilliams_ yeah, transform.xslt.xhtml.html that's almost long enough to become offensive;) rgardler Yes, the length is a problem, but it does convey the meaning we need.