Forrest Release Process ============================ This file documents the steps a release manager should follow when making a new Forrest release. Preparations ------------ - Ensure that as many PMC members as possible have their PGP keys in the KEYS file. - Edit module.xml and replace the '-dev' text with '': ... - Edit status.xml, remove the -dev from the current tag, and set the date. Also add a new for development on the next version e.g. from: ... to: ... - Edit src/core/ to update the version tag which is embedded in the Ant script: | Forrest Site Builder | | 0.4-dev | ^^^^ - Create a new file, etc/RELEASE-NOTES-x.y.txt, where x.y is the version currently being released. It is best to copy an earlier RELEASE-NOTES file, to keep a common layout. In this file, provide a summary of changes, and check for general accuracy. Scan the status.xml/changes and the Roadmap via the issues tracker, to find the important issues. - Check out a fresh copy from SVN to make sure you have no local modifications, especially those that might be hidden by svn:ignore settings. - Run 'build release-dist' to generate the distributions. - Two archives are created: apache-forrest-X.Y.tar.gz - Repeat that on a Windows machine. - Use the .tar.gz from the UNIX machine and .zip from the Windows machine. - In that way, SVN will ensure correct line-endings on all text files. - Test the actual distribution on various platforms. - Put the tar.gz and the zip file at a committers' Apache website. - Ask all developers to download and test (command-line, run, and webapp). - Follow the actual user instructions. - Use it to build some difficult sites. - Ensure that the compressed archives will unpack correctly. - Understand how to sign releases and generate MD5 and PGP. - If everything looks okay, tag CVS with 'cvs tag FORREST_xy', where 'xy' is a compact form of the version (eg 04, 041, 05). Run 'cvs log build.xml' to see existing tags. FIXME: update for SVN. - For 0.x releases, create a maintenance branch in CVS with 'cvs tag -b FORREST_xy_BRANCH'. Note: if you realise you tagged too soon, tags can be updated with 'cvs tag -F '. See 'cvs --help tag' for more info. Upload and announcement ----------------------- - Upload the binaries, the source archives, the *.asc and *.md5 files, **and the RELEASE-NOTES** to at /www/ dist/forrest/ Each PMC member has a server account and belongs to the forrest group. The process is documented at - Edit the forrest/src/documentation/content/xdocs/mirrors.ihtml - Edit the Forrest home page in the "News and events" section. - Rebuild the Forrest website as normal. - Wait for the various mirrors to pick up the new files. This has been known to take up to 10 hours. Test it via - Edit xml-site/src/documentation/content/xdocs/news.xml and record the announcement, and then commit the new HTML to xml-site/targets/forrest Note that they still use forrest-0.5.1 to build their website. - Send announcement email. Typically this is sent as: To:,,, Subject: [Announce] Apache Forrest X.Y.Z !! Always refer them to the mirror facility !! Never mention the URL dist/ in email. Use the template at /etc/announcement.txt See previous announcements: 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5.1 - Ask Jeff Turner to do the freshmeat announcement, or add you as an admin. Cleanups -------- - Edit module.xml, increment the version and add a -dev tag: - Edit src/core/ and update the version: | Forrest Site Builder | | 0.5 | All done! Or perhaps not.. if you think of anything, please add it here.