Building HttpComponents Client ============================ (1) Requisites -------------- JDK 1.5+ is required in order to compile and run HttpClient. HttpClient utilizes Maven as a distribution management and packaging tool. Version 3.0.3 or later is required. Maven installation and configuration instructions can be found here: (2) Executing test cases Execute the following command in order to compile and test the components mvn package test Note that "mvn test" does not work in multi-module tests unless "mvn install" has been run. (3) Building packages Execute the following command in order to build the JAR packages and install them to the local repository: mvn install The JAR packages can be found in the target folders of their respective modules httpclient/target/httpclient-.jar httpmime/target/httpmime-.jar httpclient-cache/target/httpclient-cache-.jar fluent-hc/target/fluent-hc-.jar httpclient-osgi/target/org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient_.jar where is the release version (4) Building documentation Execute the following command in order to generate javadoc: mvn javadoc:aggregate Execute the following command in order to generate the tutorial in html and pdf formats mvn docbkx:generate-pdf docbkx:generate-html