~~ ==================================================================== ~~ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one ~~ or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file ~~ distributed with this work for additional information ~~ regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file ~~ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ~~ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance ~~ with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ~~ ~~ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ~~ ~~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, ~~ software distributed under the License is distributed on an ~~ "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ~~ KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the ~~ specific language governing permissions and limitations ~~ under the License. ~~ ==================================================================== ~~ ~~ This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many ~~ individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more ~~ information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see ~~ . ---------- HttpComponents HttpAsyncClient Examples ---------- ---------- ---------- HttpAsyncClient Examples * {{{./httpasyncclient/examples/org/apache/http/examples/nio/client/AsyncClientHttpExchange.java} Asynchronous HTTP exchange}} This example demonstrates a basic asynchronous HTTP request / response exchange. Response content is buffered in memory for simplicity. * {{{./httpasyncclient/examples/org/apache/http/examples/nio/client/AsyncClientHttpExchangeStreaming.java} Asynchronous HTTP exchange with content streaming}} This example demonstrates an asynchronous HTTP request / response exchange with a full content streaming. * {{{./httpasyncclient/examples/org/apache/http/examples/nio/client/AsyncClientHttpExchangeFutureCallback.java} Concurrent asynchronous HTTP exchanges}} This example demonstrates a fully asynchronous execution of multiple HTTP exchanges where the result of an individual operation is reported using a callback interface. * {{{./httpasyncclient/examples/org/apache/http/examples/nio/client/AsyncClientPipelined.java} Pipelined HTTP exchanges}} This example demonstrates a pipelined execution of multiple HTTP request / response exchanges. Response content is buffered in memory for simplicity. * {{{./httpasyncclient/examples/org/apache/http/examples/nio/client/AsyncClientPipelinedStreaming.java} Pipelined HTTP exchanges with content streaming}} This example demonstrates a pipelined execution of multiple HTTP request / response exchanges with a full content streaming. * {{{./httpasyncclient/examples/org/apache/http/examples/nio/client/AsyncClientExecuteProxy.java} Asynchronous request via a proxy}} This example demonstrates how to send an HTTP request via a proxy. * {{{./httpasyncclient/examples/org/apache/http/examples/nio/client/AsyncClientConfiguration.java} HttpAsyncClient configuration}} This example demonstrates how to customize and configure the most common aspects of HTTP request execution and connection management. * {{{./httpasyncclient/examples/org/apache/http/examples/nio/client/AsyncClientCustomContext.java} Custom execution context}} This example demonstrates the use of a local execution context with custom context settings. * {{{./httpasyncclient/examples/org/apache/http/examples/nio/client/AsyncClientAuthentication.java} Client authentication}} This example demonstrates execution of an HTTP request against a target site that requires user authentication. * {{{./httpasyncclient/examples/org/apache/http/examples/nio/client/AsyncClientProxyAuthentication.java} Proxy authentication}} This example shows execution of an HTTP request over a secure connection tunneled through an authenticating proxy. * {{{./httpasyncclient/examples/org/apache/http/examples/nio/client/AsyncClientCustomSSL.java} Custom SSL context}} This example demonstrates how to create secure connections with a custom SSL context. * {{{./httpasyncclient/examples/org/apache/http/examples/nio/client/ZeroCopyHttpExchange.java} Zero copy file upload / download}} This example demonstrates how HttpAsyncClient can be used to upload or download files without creating an intermediate content buffer in memory (zero copy file transfer). * {{{./httpasyncclient/examples/org/apache/http/examples/nio/client/AsyncClientEvictExpiredConnections.java} Connection eviction}} This example demonstrates how to evict expired and idle connections from the connection pool.