Apache Server Frequently Asked Questions

$Revision: 1.99 $ ($Date: 2010/12/10 10:13:45 $)

Please note that this document refers to a version of the product which has been deprecated, and declared "end of life", in favor of the more recent version of the server. Information obtained here is likely to be outdated and inaccurate.

The latest version of this FAQ is available on the HTTP Server Wiki, at <http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/misc/FAQ.html>. This version is no longer maintained, and contains inaccurate and grossly outdated information.

The Questions

  1. General Technical Questions
    1. "Why can't I ...? Why won't ... work?" What to do in case of problems
    2. How do I submit a patch to the Apache Group?
    3. Why has Apache stolen my favourite site's Internet address?
    4. Why am I getting spam mail from the Apache site?
    5. May I include the Apache software on a CD or other package I'm distributing?
    6. What's the best hardware/operating system/... How do I get the most out of my Apache Web server?
    7. What are "regular expressions"?
    8. Why isn't there a binary for my platform?

The Answers

B. General Technical Questions

  1. "Why can't I ...? Why won't ... work?" What to do in case of problems

    If you are having trouble with your Apache server software, you should take the following steps:

    1. Check the errorlog!

      Apache tries to be helpful when it encounters a problem. In many cases, it will provide some details by writing one or messages to the server error log. Sometimes this is enough for you to diagnose & fix the problem yourself (such as file permissions or the like). The default location of the error log is /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log, but see the ErrorLog directive in your config files for the location on your server.

    2. Check the FAQ!

      The latest version of the Apache Frequently-Asked Questions list can always be found at the main Apache web site.

    3. Check the Apache bug database

      Most problems that get reported to The Apache Group are recorded in the bug database. Please check the existing reports, open and closed, before adding one. If you find that your issue has already been reported, please don't add a "me, too" report. If the original report isn't closed yet, we suggest that you check it periodically. You might also consider contacting the original submitter, because there may be an email exchange going on about the issue that isn't getting recorded in the database.

    4. Ask in a user support group.

      A lot of common problems never make it to the bug database because there's already high Q&A traffic about them in the Users mailing list or comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix and related newsgroups. These newsgroups are also available via Google. Many Apache users, and some of the developers, can be found roaming their virtual halls, so it is suggested that you seek wisdom there. The chances are good that you'll get a faster answer there than from the bug database, even if you don't see your question already posted.

    5. If all else fails, report the problem in the bug database

      If you've gone through those steps above that are appropriate and have obtained no relief, then please do let The Apache Group know about the problem by logging a bug report.

      If your problem involves the server crashing and generating a core dump, please include a backtrace (if possible). As an example,

      # cd ServerRoot
      # dbx httpd core
      (dbx) where

      (Substitute the appropriate locations for your ServerRoot and your httpd and core files. You may have to use gdb instead of dbx.)

  2. How do I submit a patch to the Apache Group?

    The Apache Group encourages patches from outside developers. There are 2 main "types" of patches: small bugfixes and general improvements. Bugfixes should be submitting using the Apache bug report page. Improvements, modifications, and additions should follow the instructions below.

    In general, the first course of action is to be a member of the dev@httpd.apache.org mailing list. This indicates to the Group that you are closely following the latest Apache developments. Your patch file should be generated using either 'diff -c' or 'diff -u' against the latest CVS tree. To submit your patch, send email to dev@httpd.apache.org with a Subject: line that starts with [PATCH] and includes a general description of the patch. In the body of the message, the patch should be clearly described and then included at the end of the message. If the patch-file is long, you can note a URL to the file instead of the file itself. Use of MIME enclosures/attachments should be avoided.

    Be prepared to respond to any questions about your patches and possibly defend your code. If your patch results in a lot of discussion, you may be asked to submit an updated patch that incorporates all changes and suggestions.

  3. Why has Apache stolen my favourite site's Internet address?

    The simple answer is: "It hasn't." This misconception is usually caused by the site in question having migrated to the Apache Web server software, but not having migrated the site's content yet. When Apache is installed, the default page that gets installed tells the Webmaster the installation was successful. The expectation is that this default page will be replaced with the site's real content. If it doesn't, complain to the Webmaster, not to the Apache project -- we just make the software and aren't responsible for what people do (or don't do) with it.

  4. Why am I getting spam mail from the Apache site?

    The short answer is: "You aren't." Usually when someone thinks the Apache site is originating spam, it's because they've traced the spam to a Web site, and the Web site says it's using Apache. See the previous FAQ entry for more details on this phenomenon.

    No marketing spam originates from the Apache site. The only mail that comes from the site goes only to addresses that have been requested to receive the mail.

  5. May I include the Apache software on a CD or other package I'm distributing?

    The detailed answer to this question can be found in the Apache license, which is included in the Apache distribution in the file LICENSE. You can also find it on the Web at <http://www.apache.org/LICENSE.txt>.

  6. What's the best hardware/operating system/... How do I get the most out of my Apache Web server?

    Check out Dean Gaudet's performance tuning page.

  7. What are "regular expressions"?

    Regular expressions are a way of describing a pattern - for example, "all the words that begin with the letter A" or "every 10-digit phone number" or even "Every sentence with two commas in it, and no capital letter Q". Regular expressions (aka "regex"s) are useful in Apache because they let you apply certain attributes against collections of files or resources in very flexible ways - for example, all .gif and .jpg files under any "images" directory could be written as /\/images\/.*(jpg|gif)$/.

    The best overview around is probably the one which comes with Perl. We implement a simple subset of Perl's regex support, but it's still a good way to learn what they mean. You can start by going to the CPAN page on regular expressions, and branching out from there.

  8. Why isn't there a binary for my platform?

    The developers make sure that the software builds and works correctly on the platforms available to them; this does not necessarily mean that your platform is one of them. In addition, the Apache HTTP server project is primarily source oriented, meaning that distributing valid and buildable source code is the purpose of a release, not making sure that there is a binary package for all of the supported platforms.

    If you don't see a kit for your platform listed in the binary distribution area (<URL:http://httpd.apache.org/dist/httpd/binaries/>), it means either that the platform isn't available to any of the developers, or that they just haven't gotten around to preparing a binary for it. As this is a voluntary project, they are under no obligation to do so. Users are encouraged and expected to build the software themselves.

    The sole exception to these practices is the Windows package. Unlike most Unix and Unix-like platforms, Windows systems do not come with a bundled software development environment, so we do prepare binary kits for Windows when we make a release. Again, however, it's a voluntary thing and only a limited number of the developers have the capability to build the InstallShield package, so the Windows release may lag somewhat behind the source release. This lag should be no more than a few days at most.