Apache Server Frequently Asked Questions

$Revision: 1.99 $ ($Date: 2010/12/10 10:13:45 $)

Please note that this document refers to a version of the product which has been deprecated, and declared "end of life", in favor of the more recent version of the server. Information obtained here is likely to be outdated and inaccurate.

The latest version of this FAQ is available on the HTTP Server Wiki, at <http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/misc/FAQ.html>. This version is no longer maintained, and contains inaccurate and grossly outdated information.

The Questions

  1. Authentication and Access Restrictions
    1. Why isn't restricting access by host or domain name working correctly?
    2. How do I set up Apache to require a username and password to access certain documents?
    3. How do I set up Apache to allow access to certain documents only if a site is either a local site or the user supplies a password and username?
    4. Why does my authentication give me a server error?
    5. Do I have to keep the (mSQL) authentication information on the same machine?
    6. Why is my mSQL authentication terribly slow?
    7. Can I use my /etc/passwd file for Web page authentication?
    8. Why does Apache ask for my password twice before serving a file?
    9. How can I prevent people from "stealing" the images from my web site?

The Answers

G. Authentication and Access Restrictions

  1. Why isn't restricting access by host or domain name working correctly?

    Two of the most common causes of this are:

    1. An error, inconsistency, or unexpected mapping in the DNS registration
      This happens frequently: your configuration restricts access to Host.FooBar.Com, but you can't get in from that host. The usual reason for this is that Host.FooBar.Com is actually an alias for another name, and when Apache performs the address-to-name lookup it's getting the real name, not Host.FooBar.Com. You can verify this by checking the reverse lookup yourself. The easiest way to work around it is to specify the correct host name in your configuration.
    2. Inadequate checking and verification in your configuration of Apache
      If you intend to perform access checking and restriction based upon the client's host or domain name, you really need to configure Apache to double-check the origin information it's supplied. You do this by adding the -DMAXIMUM_DNS clause to the EXTRA_CFLAGS definition in your Configuration file. For example:

      This will cause Apache to be very paranoid about making sure a particular host address is really assigned to the name it claims to be. Note that this can incur a significant performance penalty, however, because of all the name resolution requests being sent to a nameserver.

  2. How do I set up Apache to require a username and password to access certain documents?

    There are several ways to do this; some of the more popular ones are to use the mod_auth, mod_auth_db, or mod_auth_dbm modules.

    For an explanation on how to implement these restrictions, see Apache Week's articles on Using User Authentication or DBM User Authentication, or see the authentication tutorial in the Apache documentation.

  3. How do I set up Apache to allow access to certain documents only if a site is either a local site or the user supplies a password and username?

    Use the Satisfy directive, in particular the Satisfy Any directive, to require that only one of the access restrictions be met. For example, adding the following configuration to a .htaccess or server configuration file would restrict access to people who either are accessing the site from a host under domain.com or who can supply a valid username and password:

    Deny from all
    Allow from .domain.com
    AuthType Basic
    AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/conf/htpasswd.users
    AuthName "special directory"
    Require valid-user
    Satisfy any

    See the user authentication question and the mod_access module for details on how the above directives work.

  4. Why does my authentication give me a server error?

    Under normal circumstances, the Apache access control modules will pass unrecognized user IDs on to the next access control module in line. Only if the user ID is recognized and the password is validated (or not) will it give the usual success or "authentication failed" messages.

    However, if the last access module in line 'declines' the validation request (because it has never heard of the user ID or because it is not configured), the http_request handler will give one of the following, confusing, errors:

    This does not mean that you have to add an 'AuthUserFile /dev/null' line as some magazines suggest!

    The solution is to ensure that at least the last module is authoritative and CONFIGURED. By default, mod_auth is authoritative and will give an OK/Denied, but only if it is configured with the proper AuthUserFile. Likewise, if a valid group is required. (Remember that the modules are processed in the reverse order from that in which they appear in your compile-time Configuration file.)

    A typical situation for this error is when you are using the mod_auth_dbm, mod_auth_msql, mod_auth_mysql, mod_auth_anon or mod_auth_cookie modules on their own. These are by default not authoritative, and this will pass the buck on to the (non-existent) next authentication module when the user ID is not in their respective database. Just add the appropriate 'XXXAuthoritative yes' line to the configuration.

    In general it is a good idea (though not terribly efficient) to have the file-based mod_auth a module of last resort. This allows you to access the web server with a few special passwords even if the databases are down or corrupted. This does cost a file open/seek/close for each request in a protected area.

  5. Do I have to keep the (mSQL) authentication information on the same machine?

    Some organizations feel very strongly about keeping the authentication information on a different machine than the webserver. With the mod_auth_msql, mod_auth_mysql, and other SQL modules connecting to (R)DBMses this is quite possible. Just configure an explicit host to contact.

    Be aware that with mSQL and Oracle, opening and closing these database connections is very expensive and time consuming. You might want to look at the code in the auth_* modules and play with the compile time flags to alleviate this somewhat, if your RDBMS licences allow for it.

  6. Why is my mSQL authentication terribly slow?

    You have probably configured the Host by specifying a FQHN, and thus the libmsql will use a full blown TCP/IP socket to talk to the database, rather than a fast internal device. The libmsql, the mSQL FAQ, and the mod_auth_msql documentation warn you about this. If you have to use different hosts, check out the mod_auth_msql code for some compile time flags which might - or might not - suit you.

  7. Can I use my /etc/passwd file for Web page authentication?

    Yes, you can - but it's a very bad idea. Here are some of the reasons:

    If you still want to do this in light of the above disadvantages, the method is left as an exercise for the reader. It'll void your Apache warranty, though, and you'll lose all accumulated UNIX guru points.

  8. Why does Apache ask for my password twice before serving a file?

    If the hostname under which you are accessing the server is different than the hostname specified in the ServerName directive, then depending on the setting of the UseCanonicalName directive, Apache will redirect you to a new hostname when constructing self-referential URLs. This happens, for example, in the case where you request a directory without including the trailing slash.

    When this happens, Apache will ask for authentication once under the original hostname, perform the redirect, and then ask again under the new hostname. For security reasons, the browser must prompt again for the password when the host name changes.

    To eliminate this problem you should

    1. Always use the trailing slash when requesting directories;
    2. Change the ServerName to match the name you are using in the URL; and/or
    3. Set UseCanonicalName off.

  9. How can I prevent people from "stealing" the images from my web site?

    The goal here is to prevent people from inlining your images directly from their web site, but accessing them only if they appear inline in your pages.

    This can be accomplished with a combination of SetEnvIf and the Deny and Allow directives. However, it is important to understand that any access restriction based on the REFERER header is intrinsically problematic due to the fact that browsers can send an incorrect REFERER, either because they want to circumvent your restriction or simply because they don't send the right thing (or anything at all).

    The following configuration will produce the desired effect if the browser passes correct REFERER headers.

    SetEnvIf REFERER "www\.mydomain\.com" linked_from_here
    SetEnvIf REFERER "^$" linked_from_here
    <Directory /www/images>
        Order deny,allow
        Deny from all
        Allow from env=linked_from_here

    Further examples can be found in the Environment Variables documentation.