A stream is a physical unit of SAMOA topology which connects different Processors with each other. Stream is also created by a TopologyBuilder just like a Processor. A stream can have a single source but many destinations. A Processor which is the source of a stream, owns the stream.

1. Creating a Stream

The following code snippet shows how a Stream is created:

Processor sourceProcessor = new Sampler();
builder.addProcessor(samplerProcessor, 3);
Stream sourceDataStream = builder.createStream(sourceProcessor);

2. Connecting a Stream

As described above, a Stream can have many destinations. In the following figure, a single stream from sourceProcessor is connected to three different destination Processors each having three instances.

SAMOA Message Shuffling

SAMOA supports three different ways of distribution of messages to multiple instances of a Processor.

2.1 Shuffle

In this way of message distribution, messages/events are distributed randomly among various instances of a Processor. Following figure shows how the messages are distributed. SAMOA Explain Shuffling Following code snipped shows how to connect a stream to a destination using random shuffling.

builder.connectInputShuffleStream(sourceDataStream, destinationProcessor);

2.2 Key

In this way of message distribution, messages with same key are sent to same instance of a Processor. Following figure illustrates key-based distribution. SAMOA Explain Key Shuffling Following code snippet shows how to connect a stream to a destination using key-based distribution.

builder.connectInputKeyStream(sourceDataStream, destinationProcessor);

2.3 All

In this way of message distribution, all messages of a stream are sent to all instances of a destination Processor. Following figure illustrates this distribution process. SAMOA Explain All Shuffling Following code snippet shows how to connect a stream to a destination using All-based distribution.

builder.connectInputAllStream(sourceDataStream, destinationProcessor);