Class ItemNameMatcher

    • Method Detail

      • matches

        public static boolean matches​(String name,
                                      String pattern)
        Matches the name pattern against the specified name.

        The pattern may be a full name or a partial name with one or more wildcard characters ("*"), or a disjunction (using the "|" character to represent logical OR) of these. For example,


        would match

        "foo:bar", but also "jcr:whatever".

         The EBNF for pattern is:
         namePattern ::= disjunct {'|' disjunct}
         disjunct ::= name [':' name]
         name ::= '*' |
                  ['*'] fragment {'*' fragment}['*']
         fragment ::= char {char}
         char ::= nonspace | ' '
         nonspace ::= (* Any Unicode character except:
                       '/', ':', '[', ']', '*',
                       ''', '"', '|' or any whitespace
                       character *)
        Note that leading and trailing whitespace around a pattern is ignored.
        name - the name to test the pattern with
        pattern - the pattern to be matched against the name
        true if the specified name matches the pattern
        See Also:
      • matches

        public static boolean matches​(String name,
                                      String[] nameGlobs)
        Matches the nameGlob strings in the passed array against the specified name.

        A glob may be a full name or a partial name with one or more wildcard characters ("*").

        Note that unlike in the case of the matches(String, String) leading and trailing whitespace around a glob is not ignored.

        name - the name to test the pattern with
        nameGlobs - an array of globbing strings
        true if the specified name matches any of the globs
        See Also: