h1. Proxy A Repository As you can [populate a Cave Repository|/user-guide/populate-repository], you can also proxy an "external" repository. It means that the artifacts stay on the remote repository, the Cave Repository generates the OBR metadata for the remote artifacts: {code} karaf@root> cave:repository-proxy cave-repo http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/servicemix/bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-lang/ {code} NB: the Cave Repository will only handle the OBR metadata, it doesn't monitor the remote repository. It means that you have to call cave:proxy-repository command each time that the remote repository change (new artifact, etc). NB: a best practice is to create a Cave Repository dedicated for each proxied repository. The cave:proxy-repository command accepts the filter option, as the cave:populate-repository command: {code} cave:repository-proxy --filter .*joda-time-2.* cave-repo http://repo2.maven.org/maven2/joda-time/joda-time {code}