h1. Create a new Apache Karaf Project Create new karaf runtime with *Select File > New > Apache Karaf Installation* and add *project_name* !/images/createproject_1.png! Select runtime *karaf_installation_dir* of your karaf or Servicemix runtime !/images/createproject_2.png! Doubleclick on .target and select target platform. Target platform corresponds to the set of OSGi components used for development and any OSGi components defined as projects within the workspace for Example (Karaf , Servicemix, Camel , CXF ). For example Eclipse PDE uses these components for compilation and checks if imports can be resolved. Basically is based on a directory containing these components. By default, this is the plugins directory under the Eclipse installation directory, which contains all plug-ins associated with Eclipse. !/images/createproject_3.png! To configure target platform there can be two approch: * Using the facilities provided by Eclipse PDE to specify all the components you need selecting directory ecc.ecc. * EIK provides preconfigured target platforms for Karaf based runtime choose the most convenient for you