h1. How to modify code With this example we want to show how to modify EIK. To do this we start by an example, we try to solve together a issue [https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KARAF-1855]. h3. Import EIK in eclipse From File > Import > Maven > Existing Maven Projects !/images/devexample_1.png! After the development environment is ready, the class to change for resolve the issue is *NewKarafProjectWizard*. Goal is to advise user that the project has been created successfully and close the wizard. For do that I added a messageDialog as outlined in the code: !/images/devexample_4.png! To see if the change has its effect select *Right click on org.apache.karaf.eik.ui > Debug As > EclipseApplication* Create a new project as see in [installation|../user-guide/installation.html]. !/images/devexample_5.png! Click Finish and message and wizard will be closed. !/images/devexample_6.png! This minor change doesn't resolve the issue, but it illustrates how to test our changes on the code.