h1. Developing OSGi components with m2e and EIK Most of the examples and archetype present on the web use maven-bundle-plugins to create bundle. EIK is able to use these archetype through the help of M2E. If m2e is not installed yet please download it from [m2e|http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/releases]. Using Karaf-bundle-archetype a simple projects called simpleBundle. We need to instruct maven-bundle-plugin configuration like this: * manifestLocation to META-INF * unpackBundle to true {noformat} org.apache.felix maven-bundle-plugin 2.3.7 true META-INF true ${project.artifactId} ${project.version} org.apache.karaf.eik.manual.simpleBundle.Activator org.apache.karaf.eik.manual.simpleBundle*;version=${project.version} * {noformat} * Right click on project -> Maven -> Update Project... * Right click on project -> RunAs -> Maven install from Debug Configurations is possible to see simpleBundle !/images/devcomponentwithm2e_1.png! Run Eik and to verify the installed bundle were started type osgi:list !/images/devcomponentwithm2e_2.png!