h1. EIK Installation EIK can be installed in two ways. * Installing from EIK repository (available online) * Installing from EIK sources (by building the repository locally) h3. Installing from EIK repository Download the EIK repository zip archive from Central. For instance, download: http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/apache/karaf/eik/features/org.apache.karaf.eik.repository/0.9.0/org.apache.karaf.eik.repository-0.9.0.zip Uncompress the repository zip archive on your system, in the folder of your choice. In Eclipse, pick up this folder in the following menu: *Select Help > Install new software > Add.. > Local...* h3. Installing from EIK sources From EIK sources, you start by building the repository: {noformat} The following avoids running all the unit test cases, we just skip the test running phase and not the building part mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install or mvn -DskipTests clean install {noformat} *Select Help > Install new software > Add.. > Local...* select folder /features/org.apache.karaf.eik.repository/target/repository !/images/installation_2.png! h3. Setting the OSGi Framework With this step we specify to Eclipse which OSGi framework we need to use *Select Window > Preferences > OSGI Frameworks* !/images/installation_3.png! h3. Switch on the the Apache Karaf perspective To Switch perspective we need *Select Window > Open Perspective > Other > Select Apache Karaf* !/images/installation_4.png! Now EIK is installed correctly