h1. Create an OSGi Framework Launcher To define launch configuration we need *Select Run > Run Configurations > Osgi Framework > new ..* !/images/launchconf_1.png! From *Karaf tab* in Launch configuration is possible to chance which features need to load. By Default the feature that loaded are those listed in the file */etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg*. Note that all changes modify the org.apache.karaf.features.cfg file present in the runtime installation. To Run karaf runtime Select *Add Required Bundles* > Apply and the *Select Run* !/images/launchconf_2.png! When the Karaf runtime runs, its output appears in Eclipse Console view at the bottom of the window. With console we can interact with Karaf console. [ Please see here to found useful karaf console commands|http://karaf.apache.org/manual/latest-2.2.x/commands/commands.html]