Cellar groups

You can define groups in Cellar. A group allows you to define specific nodes and resources that are to be working together. This permits some nodes (those outside the group) not to need to sync’ed with changes of a node within a group.

By default, the Cellar nodes go into the default group:

karaf@root()> cluster:group-list
  | Group   | Members
x | default | node2:5702 node1:5701(x)

The 'x' indicates a local group. A local group is a group containing the local node (where we are connected).

New group

You can create a new group using the group-create command:

karaf@root()> cluster:group-create test

For now, the test group hasn’t any nodes:

karaf@node1()> cluster:group-list
  | Group   | Members
x | default | node2:5702 node1:5701(x)
  | test    |

Clustered Resources and Cluster Groups


Cellar can manipulate features and features repositories on cluster groups.

You can use cluster:feature-* commands or the corresponding MBean for that.

You can list the features repositories on a given cluster group:

karaf@node1()> cluster:feature-repo-list default
Repository                  |    Located    | URL
jclouds-1.8.1               | cluster/local | mvn:org.apache.jclouds.karaf/jclouds-karaf/1.8.1/xml/features
karaf-cellar-3.0.1-SNAPSHOT | cluster/local | mvn:org.apache.karaf.cellar/apache-karaf-cellar/3.0.1-SNAPSHOT/xml/features
org.ops4j.pax.cdi-0.8.0     | cluster/local | mvn:org.ops4j.pax.cdi/pax-cdi-features/0.8.0/xml/features
spring-3.0.2                | cluster/local | mvn:org.apache.karaf.features/spring/3.0.2/xml/features
standard-3.0.2              | cluster/local | mvn:org.apache.karaf.features/standard/3.0.2/xml/features
enterprise-3.0.2            | cluster/local | mvn:org.apache.karaf.features/enterprise/3.0.2/xml/features
org.ops4j.pax.web-3.1.2     | cluster/local | mvn:org.ops4j.pax.web/pax-web-features/3.1.2/xml/features

You have the name of the repository, and the URL, like in the feature:repo-list command. However, the cluster:feature-repo-list command provides the location of the features repository:

  • cluster means that the repository is defined only on the cluster group

  • local means that the repository is defined only on the local node (not on the cluster)

  • cluster/local means that the repository is defined both on the local node, but also on the cluster group

You can add a repository on a cluster group using the cluster:feature-repo-add command:

karaf@node1()> cluster:feature-repo-add default mvn:org.apache.activemq/activemq-karaf/5.10.0/xml/features

You can remove a repository from a cluster group using the cluster:feature-repo-remove command:

karaf@node1()> cluster:feature-repo-remove default mvn:org.apache.activemq/activemq-karaf/5.10.0/xml/features

You can list the features on a given cluster group:

karaf@node1()> cluster:feature-list default |more
Name                                    | Version          | Installed | Located       | Blocked
gemini-blueprint                        | 1.0.0.RELEASE    |           | cluster/local |
package                                 | 3.0.2            | x         | cluster/local |
jclouds-api-route53                     | 1.8.1            |           | cluster/local |
jclouds-rackspace-clouddns-uk           | 1.8.1            |           | cluster/local |
cellar-cloud                            | 3.0.1-SNAPSHOT   |           | local         | in/out
webconsole                              | 3.0.2            |           | cluster/local |
cellar-shell                            | 3.0.1-SNAPSHOT   | x         | local         | in/out
jclouds-glesys                          | 1.8.1            |           | cluster/local |

Like for the features repositories, you can note there the "Located" column containing where the feature is located (local to the node, or on the cluster group). You can also see the "Blocked" column indicating if the feature is blocked inbound or outbound (see the blocking policy).

You can install a feature on a cluster group using the cluster:feature-install command:

karaf@node1()> cluster:feature-install default eventadmin

You can uninstall a feature from a cluster group, using the cluster:feature-uninstall command:

karaf@node1()> cluster:feature-uninstall default eventadmin

Cellar also provides a feature listener, disabled by default as you can see in etc/org.apache.karaf.cellar.node.cfg configuration file:

feature.listener = false

The listener listens for the following local feature changes:

  • add features repository

  • remove features repository

  • install feature

  • uninstall feature


Cellar can manipulate bundles on cluster groups.

You can use cluster:bundle-* commands or the corresponding MBean for that.

You can list the bundles in a cluster group using the cluster:bundle-list command:

karaf@node1()> cluster:bundle-list default |more
Bundles in cluster group default
ID | State    | Located       | Blocked | Version         | Name
 0 | Active   | cluster/local |         | 2.2.0           | OPS4J Pax Url - aether:
 1 | Active   | cluster/local |         | 3.0.2           | Apache Karaf :: Deployer :: Blueprint
 2 | Active   | cluster/local |         | 2.2.0           | OPS4J Pax Url - wrap:
 3 | Active   | cluster/local |         | 1.8.0           | Apache Felix Configuration Admin Service
 4 | Active   | cluster/local |         | 3.0.2           | Apache Karaf :: Region :: Core

Like for the features, you can see the "Located" and "Blocked" columns.

You can install a bundle on a cluster group using the cluster:bundle-install command:

karaf@node1()> cluster:bundle-install default mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-lang/2.4_6

You can start a bundle in a cluster group using the cluster:bundle-start command:

karaf@node1()> cluster:bundle-start default commons-lang

You can stop a bundle in a cluster group using the cluster:bundle-stop command:

karaf@node1()> cluster:bundle-stop default commons-lang

You can uninstall a bundle from a cluster group using the cluster:bundle-uninstall command:

karaf@node1()> cluster:bundle-uninstall default commons-lang

Like for the feature, Cellar provides a bundle listener disabled by default in etc/org.apache.karaf.cellar.nodes.cfg:

bundle.listener = false

The bundle listener listens the following local bundle changes:

  • install bundle

  • start bundle

  • stop bundle

  • uninstall bundle


Cellar can manipulate configurations on cluster groups.

You can use cluster:config-* commands or the corresponding MBean for that.

You can list the configurations on a cluster group using the cluster:config-list command:

karaf@node1()> cluster:config-list default |more
Pid:            org.apache.karaf.command.acl.jaas
Located:        cluster/local
   update = admin
   service.pid = org.apache.karaf.command.acl.jaas

You can note the "Blocked" and "Located" attributes, like for features and bundles.

YOu can list properties in a config using the cluster:config-property-list command:

karaf@node1()> cluster:config-property-list default org.apache.karaf.jaas
Property list for configuration PID org.apache.karaf.jaas for cluster group default
   encryption.prefix = {CRYPT}
   encryption.name =
   encryption.enabled = false
   encryption.suffix = {CRYPT}
   encryption.encoding = hexadecimal
   service.pid = org.apache.karaf.jaas
   encryption.algorithm = MD5

You can set or append a value to a config property using the cluster:config-property-set or cluster:config-property-append command:

karaf@node1()> cluster:config-property-set default my.config my.property my.value

You can delete a property in a config using the cluster:config-property-delete command:

karaf@node1()> cluster:config-property-delete default my.config my.property

You can delete the whole config using the cluster:config-delete command:

karaf@node1()> cluster:config-delete default my.config

Like for feature and bundle, Cellar provides a config listener disabled by default in etc/org.apache.karaf.cellar.nodes.cfg:

config.listener = false

The config listener listens the following local config changes:

  • create a config

  • add/delete/change a property

  • delete a config

As some properties may be local to a node, Cellar excludes some property by default. You can see the current excluded properties using the cluster:config-property-excluded command:

karaf@node1()> cluster:config-property-excluded
service.factoryPid, felix.fileinstall.filename, felix.fileinstall.dir, felix.fileinstall.tmpdir, org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.defaultRepositories

You can modify this list using the same command, or by editing the etc/org.apache.karaf.cellar.node.cfg configuration file:

# Excluded config properties from the sync
# Some config properties can be considered as local to a node, and should not be sync on the cluster.
config.excluded.properties = service.factoryPid, felix.fileinstall.filename, felix.fileinstall.dir, felix.fileinstall.tmpdir, org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.defaultRepositories
OBR (optional)

See the OBR section for details.

EventAdmin (optional)

See the EventAdmin section for details.

Blocking policy

You can define a policy to filter the cluster events exchanges by the nodes (inbound or outbound).

It allows you to block or allow some resources on the cluster.

By adding a resource id in a blacklist, you block the resource. By adding a resource id in a whitelist, you allow the resource.

For instance, for feature, you can use the cluster:feature-block command to display or modify the current blocking policy for features:

karaf@node1()> cluster:feature-block default
        whitelist: [*]
        blacklist: [config, cellar*, hazelcast, management]
        whitelist: [*]
        blacklist: [config, cellar*, hazelcast, management]
  • is a wildcard.

You have the equivalent command for bundle and config:

karaf@node1()> cluster:bundle-block default
        whitelist: [*]
        blacklist: [*.xml]
        whitelist: [*]
        blacklist: [*.xml]
karaf@node1()> cluster:config-block default
        whitelist: [*]
        blacklist: [org.apache.karaf.cellar*, org.apache.karaf.shell, org.ops4j.pax.logging, org.ops4j.pax.web, org.apache.felix.fileinstall*, org.apache.karaf.management, org.apache.aries.transaction]
        whitelist: [*]
        blacklist: [org.apache.karaf.cellar*, org.apache.karaf.shell, org.ops4j.pax.logging, org.ops4j.pax.web, org.apache.felix.fileinstall*, org.apache.karaf.management, org.apache.aries.transaction]

Using those commands, you can also update the blacklist and whitelist for inbound or outbound cluster events.