Goal features:create-kar

The features:create-kar goal creates a kar file from a given features XML.
A kar file is a zip archive shipping all bundles and configuration files containing in features of a features XML, and the features XML itself.
You can deploy a kar file just by copying it in the deploy folder, all resources will be loaded from the kar file.


The example below generates a kar file from a given features XML. The generated kar will be in the target folder with the manual-2.4.5-SNAPSHOT.kar name.



Name Type Description
featuresFile File The features XML used to generate the KAR file
Default value: /home/jbonofre/Workspace/karaf/manual/target/feature/feature.xml
{{resourcesDir} File Location of resources directory for additional content to include in the KAR. Note that it includes everything under classes so as to include maven-remote-resources
Default value: /home/jbonofre/Workspace/karaf/manual/target/classes}}
finalName String Name of the generated kar
Default value: manual-2.4.5-SNAPSHOT
outputDirectory File Directory containing the generated archive
Default value: /home/jbonofre/Workspace/karaf/manual/target